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Foel Goch

Foel Goch is a loner, surrounded by roads and looking its best towering over Bala from the N. Although its S and E slopes are prettily wooded it is a bare windswept hill of empty grassland. Peak-bagging apart, it is best kept for a quick blow on a rain-shortened day. However it is a fine viewpoint with Snowdonia, the Berwyns, Hirnants, Arans, Dduallt, Rhobell Fawr, the Rhinogs and Arenigs all splendidly arrayed.

The top is thrice crowned, sporting a trig point, a cairn and a boundary marker. Yet despite this proliferation there are few landmarks. No wall or fence crosses the summit, and if stranded the wisest course is to drop down to the col just E of the top where a fence quickly leads to lower ground, N or S.

S approaches (AG18)

Walk up the narrow road to Pentre-tai-yn-y-cwm Farm (957403) and follow the tree-lined lane that accompanies the chattering Nant Cwm Da until you come to a bridge after about 0.5 mile. You then have three choices:

 Firstly to stay with the stream, eventually reaching the col at 959425 after some mild bog-bashing following the disappearance of the path.

 Secondly (AG18,1) to strike out L for Moel Darren (952414) and the S ridge.

 Thirdly (AG18,2) to bear R for Bryn Bras whence the top is reached via Orddu and the col as before. Bryn Bras offers fine views, not least of the picturesque Llyn Caer Euni.

NW approaches (AG19)

Leave the B4501 at 914429 and walk down the lane towards Ty Cerrig. Turn L just before the farm and follow a grassy track up the hillside. When this peters out pull up to the NW ridge where a wire fence accompanies you to Garnedd Fawr. The main top, hidden so far, now comes into view about 1 mile away E over undulating grassland with a scattering of boundary stones pointing the way.

Alternatively (AG19,1) start by following a footpath sign at 912426 and then bearing NE to join the ridge as before. The ridge can also be reached from Aeddren (938442) by following a new bulldozed track that curves round its N tip (AG19,2).

N approaches (AG20)

From near Llangwm a track runs S towards Cwm-llan (961430) from where the col at 959425 can be reached after a short rise.

SE approaches (AG21)

A track climbs steeply alongside the woods just to the E of Craig Wenallt at 976415. By proceeding N from there via the old homestead of Hafotty Isaf the E ridge can be gained around Pen y Cerrig-serth (971429).

Hillwalking in Wales - Vol 1

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