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Carnedd Llechwedd Llyfn

Carnedd Llechwedd Llyfn tops the minor ridge W of Carnedd y Filiast. It is unlikely to feature in anyone's plans apart from Carnedd y Filiast, so try combining the following descent with AG14.

Llyn Celyn route (AG17)

Leave Carnedd Llechwedd Llyfn on 150°, aiming for Foel Boeth on grass and stubby heather. Glimpses of the Hesgyn Valley and Craig Ddu enliven the scene L with Llyn Celyn to the fore. However it is the two Arenigs that steal the show, looking veritable giants with Arenig Fach, for once, yielding nothing to its senior colleague. If the sun is out you may see Llyn Arenig Fach sparkling high up (or so it seems) on its slopes, one of the rare occasions when it is coaxed out of seclusion. From Foel Boeth stay on 150° and AG14,1 back to Llyn Celyn.

Hillwalking in Wales - Vol 1

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