Читать книгу Conscious Contact - Ph.D. Ph.D. Anonymous - Страница 29

January 25


We too need to get over the questions that focus on the past and on the pain—“Why did this happen to me”’ —and ask instead the question which opens doors to the future: “Now that this has happened, what shall I do about it?” ∼Harold S. Kushner

Why him or her, why me, why now, why this way? “Why, why, why” is the loser’s chant. The question “why” keeps us focused on explanations, not resolutions. Once we stop analyzing why, we can ask the question that carries the solution within itself. “What do I do now?” This question places our focus in the present so we can reclaim our life, not simply lament it. We have found that if the addict within can get us asking the wrong questions, it won’t have to worry about our recovery-oriented answers! We learn to drop the questions that focus on blame and the past and to ask questions that contain the answers within the question such as, “What do I …?” and “How can I …?” We do not receive the right answer when we ask the wrong question.

I ask not “why” this or that has happened,

but “how” to deal with it now.

We ask three questions: Am I paying attention to my spiritual needs? Am I passing on what I've received? Am I living in the principles I've come to hold dear.

∼Chemically Dependent Anonymous P 84

Conscious Contact

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