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Reprogramming and Preparation of Adults and Teachers

Surely, the first requisite for a more successful system of educating children is the re-education of adults, precisely because children are, of necessity, trained by adults, both parents and teachers. Consequently, adults need to be re-educated in a manner very different from their own original indoctrination.

The chain-reaction that can be observed in patterns of behaviour handed down from one generation to the next must be broken. This will allow human beings to develop into self-reliant, independent, mature men and women, free to make choices between what is currently appropriate and the often outmoded or negative patterns handed down to them through their family heritage. These old patterns can be so constricting that change and progress become impossible for those imprisoned by them. We so often mechanically and unthinkingly echo whatever we have heard all our lives without even questioning whether it is true or useful in day-to-day life. Many people live through an entire lifetime automatically following inherited patterns of behaviour whether they are currently practical or not.

All the more primitive species learn by the repetition of tried and proven behaviour, either as directly taught by their parents or as copied from them. In this way it is imprinted on their nervous systems and acts as a defence against attack, hunger and other problems they may encounter. It allows them instinctively to know how and when to react.

But, though human beings are like animals in many ways, they do not live solely on the instinctive plane. They possess the abilities of thinking, reasoning, questioning and being creative in many ways in addition to eating, sleeping and producing offspring. Therefore, they are able individually to form new habits to fit changing times and conditions.

In the last fifty years there have been more drastic changes than in any comparable period in history. These changes have provided many advantages, but at the same time they have also created more problems. Such has been the pace of change that we have been forced to make many huge adjustments in a very short space of time. The result is a great deal of general confusion and insecurity.

At present there exists throughout the world an acute need to reshape the systems of education in order to give children growing up in this rapidly changing scene some very necessary new guidelines. These could replace those that are either totally missing or are so outmoded that they are of little practical use in present-day society. This situation has caused disorder, licence, depravity, addiction to drugs, alcoholism, sexual confusion, violence, delinquency and depression, often leading to youthful suicides.

When the essential meaning of life is no longer taught, either verbally or through example, our children grow up in a seemingly senseless but sense-dominated world that provides no emotional or spiritual sustenance. They then begin to crave for – they know not what. To satisfy this inner hunger, they turn desperately to anyone or anything that holds out even the slightest promise of assuaging it. Hence, the proliferation of multisexual encounters, the enormously increased reliance on drugs, alcohol, violent films and television shows, salacious books and magazines and even certain forms of ‘pop’ meditation. All these either overstimulate them, and in that way distract them from their pain and hunger, or dull their perceptions by numbing uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

This part will, therefore, be a summary or overview of my first book. It will prepare parents and teachers by first showing them how to free themselves of the old negative conditioning and to avoid passing it on to the children under their care.

Many people will resist this idea as being highly impractical, citing the old saw, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ But humans are not animals, though they do share many attributes. They have many advantages over other species, the most important one being free will. They are therefore not obliged to continue outmoded habits. Changing them may involve a great deal of hard work, but with determination, and the help of the High C, it is most certainly possible.

They will then be in a better position to bring children up in such a way that their innate abilities and personalities are allowed to flower, instead of being masked by the ideas of their educators.

Obviously, parents and teachers and all other figures of authority in a child’s life need to be acutely aware of their very important roles in teaching and programming the children with whom they are closely associated. Only by training children, the future citizens of each country, is it possible for a change of consciousness to be brought about in the world, composed as it is of countries, organisations and families all containing individuals.

Only when adults sincerely try to apply to their own personal lives the time-tested human values comprising the world-wide and many-faceted heritage outlined in the various ancient teachings can they become capable of teaching them to the children who come under their influence.

By ancient teachings, I refer to the original truth received by inspired teachers, sages and seers through the ages. This truth has been lost to sight beneath the accretion of man-made embellishments. Regrettably, it is the latter on which the various disciplines have been built. But they are now fast crumbling or are already lost. This is as it should be if the original truth is to be reclaimed and presented in a form more appropriate to the times. The Shiva (or Destroyer) energy is at work, whereby old rigidified guidelines are being demolished in many areas to make room for new growth to break through. It is similar to the way a field must be ploughed before fresh seeds can be planted to produce a new crop.

At present we are all living in an interim period, watching the rapid demolition of many old and familiar patterns to which we have become so accustomed that they represent security. As yet there are no clear indications of the kinds of new patterns which might eventually replace them.

Very few people are comfortable in unfamiliar situations. These can be most anxiety-producing to some for the simple reason that they may not have had the experience to help themselves to handle them. No one likes to feel at a loss or inadequate. For those who are aware of the current changes taking place everywhere, these are very difficult and frequently bewildering times in which to be alive.

All species feel more comfortable with parameters or guidelines, even if some individuals may often wish to discard them and live free of restraint. Invariably, such rebellion ends in disaster, just as a runaway vehicle lacking control or direction eventually crashes.

First, before anyone can be taught new patterns of behaviour, the old and inappropriate ones must be relinquished. For this reason, I always suggest to couples who are planning to start a family that they work through some of the techniques from my first book before they embark on their new joint venture of parenthood.

First, the clearly observable chain-reaction proceeding from one generation to the next must be broken so that each new generation is free from any of the old negative conditioning that so often prevents growth. It is very simply expressed by the biblical quotation, ‘The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children to the third and fourth generation.’ Children react to parents either by copying them or rebelling against their identity, and how they behave and what they teach. But both such reactions inhibit their ability to express themselves freely and, consequently, restrict their development (or restrain their full development).

It is therefore imperative for prospective parents to cut the binding ties to each of their own parents, surrogate parents, or other authority figures. They themselves must be free to make contact with the High C and to henceforth receive instruction and direction from that inner source instead of from outer ones associated with their own hopes and fears, habits and objectives.

Cutting more Ties That Bind

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