Читать книгу The Emerging Markets Handbook - Pran Tiku - Страница 10

Separating from the herd


This book is written for those who don’t wish to follow the herd. It makes the case that there is a fundamental shift taking place throughout the emerging market economies.

This shift in most cases is persistent and positive and will lead to a dynamic change not only for these emerging countries but also in the developed world. To be sure, the upcoming changes are not likely to be either uniform or guaranteed, but the students of this change can benefit.

The position taken in this book is that understanding the drivers and motivations taking place in emerging markets is important for investors. Many of these nations, previously left to benign neglect by the developed world, are now on the threshold of electrifying change. This change will not only accelerate their economies and raise their living standards but also enhance their political stature as they play ever-larger roles in global finance and trade. This is not only true for countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China (the so-called BRIC countries), but also for those as diverse as Indonesia, Chile, the Czech Republic and the Philippines.

In the following chapters, an in-depth, country-by-country analysis is provided to explore the opportunities – as well as potential roadblocks – these countries are likely to encounter and how that will affect the investing landscape.

As a part of the country analysis other questions have also been addressed, such as:

 How does one define an emerging market?

 How many countries fall into this category?

 What countries and sectors have the greatest opportunity for profit and growth?

 What countries and sectors have the most uncertainty?

 Should money be invested in funds or individual companies?

 And lastly, how does one get started in emerging market investing?

Answers to these questions are provided.

Investment advisors and investors will gain specific, actionable insights into how to intelligently invest in these developing economies. The book is not an abstract endorsement of emerging markets, but rather a practical investment guide that offers a primer on the basics of these regions and sectors. As such, it takes you through the first step in the process of building your own emerging market portfolio.

The Emerging Markets Handbook

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