Читать книгу Grossopedia: A Startling Collection of Repulsive Trivia You Won’t Want to Know! - Rachel Federman - Страница 23

Octopus Vulgaris


Television doctor Dr. Oz has a suggestion for viewers who want to cut back on their red meat intake: grilled octopus. Apparently, he grew up on the stuff. He says to boil it with some parsley, tomatoes, and wine then freeze until you’re ready to grill. Serve with a Dijon mustard vinaigrette. Let your guests guess what they’re eating. Then tell them where you got the recipe and that the eight-legged sucker has lots of vitamin B-12. (And the octopus does, too!)

Be an Expert! Disgust is a useful feeling to have—but it may have evolved as a way to keep us from getting sick. Think of the things you’re disgusted by: many of them could carry viruses or bacteria.

Grossopedia: A Startling Collection of Repulsive Trivia You Won’t Want to Know!

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