Читать книгу 1, 2 Peter and Jude Through the Centuries - Rebecca Skaggs - Страница 10
ОглавлениеABCAnchor Bible CommentaryACCAncient Christian Commentary on Scripture: James, 1‐2 Peter, 1‐3 John, JudeACWAncient Christian WritersAMPThe Amplified BibleANFAnte‐Nicene Fathers. 10 vols.APTTertullian, Apologetic and Practical Treatises.ARLSt. Athanasius. The Resurrection Letters.ASVAmerican Standard VersionCCELChristian Classics Ethereal Library: Church fathers, commentaries, sermons, and hymnsCECCatena in Epistolas CatholicasCEVCommon English VersionCIMCommentaries of Isho’dad of MervCSCisterian StudiesCWSClassics of Western Spirituality: A Library of the Great Spiritual MastersERVEnglish Revised VersionEXBExpanded BibleFCFathers of the Church: A New Translation, 1947FGNKForschungen zur Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanons und der altkirklichen LiteratureHEEcclesiastical History, EusebiusHOGHomilies on the Gospels, Bede the VenerableICAInternet Classics Archive: classics.mit.edu/ICBNew Century Version of the BibleLCCThe Library of Christian Classics. 26 volsLCLLoeb Classical Library.LVLLogos Virtual LibraryNASBNew American Standard BibleNLTNew Living TestamentOFPOn First Principles OrigenPCPatristic CitationsPGPatrologiae Graeca. 166 vols. J.P. Migne, ed. Paris: Migne, 1857–1886PLPatrologiae Latina 221 vols. J.P Migne, ed. Paris, Migne, 1844–64PL Supp.Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum. A. Hamman, ed. Paris: Migne, 1958–RSVRevised Standard VersionSPCKSociety for the Promotion of KnowledgeSTSumma Theologica, Thomas AquinasST FP Q [1] A [1]Summa Theologica, First Part, Question 1, Answer 1ST FSSumma Theologica, First Part of the Second PartST SSSumma Theologica, Second Part of the Second PartST TPSumma Theologica, Third PartXP [sup. TP]Supplement to Summa Theologica, Third PartTDNTTheological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 vols. G. Kittle, et al., eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964TTHBede the Venerable. On the Tabernacle. Trans. A.G. Holden. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1994WSAJ.E. Rotelle, ed. Works of St. Augustine: A Translation for the Twenty‐First Century. Hyde Park, NY: New York City Press, 1995WUNTWissenshaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament