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Aims and Methods of this Commentary
ОглавлениеThe approach of this commentary series is rooted in the work of Hans‐Georg Gadamer and others such as Hans Robert Jauss (1982), and suggests that some kind of “dialogue between past and present,” some “fusing of horizons,” might be possible by considering the “horizons of expectations”; that is, by exploring how the readings vary from one historical period to another, from one interpretive community to another. Jauss puts it like this: “A literary work is not an object which stands by itself and which offers the same face to each reader in each period” (cited by Callaway, 2004: 4). In fact, the meaning is not in the text itself but is “produced by readers who engage texts.” Gadamer emphasizes the point that the reader is not a passive recipient of the text, but rather creatively interacts with it, in a dialogical relationship. In this way, the reader is inherently involved in constructing the meaning. Integral to this approach is not only that the text is located within a particular historical context but, beyond that, each reader is culturally and politically situated so that even we who are exploring reception history are being influenced by our personal backgrounds as we select and handle the materials. The important point is that the reception historian must be constantly aware of this.
According to Luz, there is a critical distinction between the history of interpretation and the history of influence; they are intrinsically related to each other (cf. Thiselton, 2011: 6). Of course, the starting point is to take into account the various readings of a text, but it is equally or more important to consider the “effect” of a text, that is, how the text has shaped its particular world. This involves the exploration of the dialogs and interactions between readings in a specific era but also how succeeding dialogs participate in the development of very different communities from those of its own time. In relation to our little text of 1 Peter, several kernels or seeds embedded within 1 Peter would lead to major controversies from which significant doctrines emerged. For example, 1:2–3 refers to God’s foreknowledge, which almost immediately initiated discussion and debate among early writers about free will and election. This discussion would grow in intensity (along with the discussions on the Pauline epistles) until currently these theories differentiate various current denominations. In other cases such as the sections on slavery (2:18–25) or roles in marriage (3:1–7), entire movements and counter‐movements have developed, shaping culture, theology, and society. 2 Peter 1:20–21 (along with Pauline parallels) has shaped one of the central doctrines on the inspiration of scripture. The point is that reception historians are interested not only in how various readers have read and interpreted the text, they are also interested in the effects the text has on its readers and their communities. The concept is that what a text does is as important and meaningful as what it means. Riches (2013: 6) explains that this means taking “account of the power of a work to shape its readers, to create a new readership, new in the sense that its sensibilities, its understanding of the world and society and of individual lives as located in society … have been informed and re‐formed by their reading of the work.”
In other words, a written work does not merely reflect or imitate the world from which it came but also is itself engaged in the shaping of that world. Luz (1989: 95) calls this the “history of influence” of a text and explains that it goes beyond the task of the history of interpretation by the consideration of its use in practice, singing, praying, and even hoping and suffering. Studies such as those by Exum (2007) and Sherwood (2000) have shown the significant contribution which results from considering the effects and “afterlives” of a text.
The exploration of the reception of the Bible in art is especially enlightening. Indeed, the Bible has been an important subject for artists through the centuries and in turn, artists have provided information from biblical texts to people who are not able to access the biblical text for themselves (such as before translations of the Bible made scripture accessible to the general populace); through the ages art has conveyed theological positions or doctrines of the church to people as well. Recently, scholars have been exploring in a deeper way the processes involved between a work of art and its viewer, the theoretical framework of which is also rooted in the philosophy of Gadamer. In this context, the artist is considered to be an “active reader.” O’Kane explains that biblical artwork engages the viewer, thus broadening their horizon (O’Kane, 2008: 1). For more on Gadamer’s theory, see Davey (in O’Kane, 2008: 191–210). In other words, a painting gives a perspective which is itself a unique reading; it is more than simply the illustration of a story or the “transposition of a text onto a canvas,” it [the painting] “is itself an interpretation of a text” (Exum, 2007: 7), which encourages and challenges us to consider more creative possibilities and alternative perspectives for the interpretation of the text (Exum, 1996: 7–8).
In essence, the painting is itself an exegesis (for an extensive discussion of this, see Berdini, 1997). Hornik calls it “visual Narrative” and Baker goes so far as to refer to the work of African‐American painter Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859–1937) as preaching the gospel with a brush (Cf. Exum, 2007: 188–210). In short, the work of art becomes a text to be interpreted by the viewer.
One of the major challenges of reception history, however, is that although many theorists and practitioners of biblical interpretation have made suggestions, there is little agreement on the nature of the process for the selection of materials (Evans, 2014: 114). In fact, there is a wide variety of judgments about which realizations of a biblical text should be selected as shaping the successive generations of interpretations. There are, however, “patterns of practice,” that is, principles of selection which emerge. One particularly attractive approach is to identify emerging patterns, such as discourse and practice that “valorize various trajectories of interpretative tradition … [that identifies] what may be seen as significant, exemplary, or normative within ecclesiastical tradition or theological tradition” (Evans, 2014: 115–116).
The guiding principle for this commentary series is to provide a representative sample of kinds of material from different historical eras, emphasizing interpretations which have been influential or significant. This principle is valuable in that it is overarching enough to give each commentator flexibility to choose the process which works best for each of the diverse texts. Our aim for this study of 1, 2 Peter and Jude will be to provide representative kinds of interpretations through the ages; samples of various kinds of interpretations which have particularly affected theology, literature, music, art, culture, and society. In order to do this, sources have been selected, mirroring the preference by Evans (2014: 144) and Thiselton (2006) for earlier writers, since they “shape the pre‐understanding” of subsequent interpreters. In some cases the issues raised by these early thinkers continue to challenge writers through current times. This preference for early thinkers, however, will certainly not preclude later innovative insights: these challenges along with new insights or innovative issues of later eras will be considered in light of their effects on the reception history of our epistles as appropriate. In some cases “kernels” of ideas create dialog which would lead eventually to major theological doctrines, sometimes even opposing theories. For example, Peter’s reference to God’s foreknowledge in 1:1–3 actively engaged in the discussion and development of the later doctrines of election / free will. In a similar but different way, 1 Peter’s passage on the good pastor (5:1–6) strongly influenced writers such as Chaucer, George Herbert, and William Langland when they created literary pastoral characters. This commentary, then, will explore the reception history of 1, 2 Peter and Jude in terms of dialogs on important issues from the earliest comments by Papias and Irenaeus, the development of the tradition represented by Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Didymus the Blind, Hilary of Arles, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas, through the Middle Ages with Wycliffe, William of Ockham, and Erasmus, through the centuries to the time of the Reformation and Renaissance with Martin Luther, John Calvin, Arminius, and others and to later thinkers such as John Bengel, John Henry Newman, Charles and John Wesley, and finally to relevant current scholars. As stated before, reception history is not only the study of the voices from biblical and theological scholars, but also considers the effects of the tradition on poetry, literature, philosophy, art, sermons, music, and even suffering, so writers such as Matthew Poole, Thomas Watson, Søren Kierkegaard, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Bob Dylan, and others will be taken into account when relevant. In some cases such as 1 Peter 3:18–22, Jude 6 with // 2 Peter 2:4, and Jude 9, the effect of the text on art will be considered as well.
This commentary on these three texts is formatted to highlight how the various readings dialog and interact with one another and others as the discussion moves through the centuries to eventually develop into major theological doctrines or to affect culture, society, and sometimes even politics and relationships. Of course, not every section or passage has equally significant effects but each of them has some extremely noteworthy passages which have indeed impacted culture, society, art, and even politics. For example, the passage on slavery (1 Pet. 2:18–25) was used to support both sides of the intense conflict over slavery in early American history. In other cases, the section on marriage roles and even ornamentation has influenced religious and social customs and relationships (of course, along with Pauline parallels) through the ages. There are still other cases, like the good pastor (1 Pet. 5:1–6) which informed literary characters. Christ’s visit to the spirits in prison, 1 Peter 3:18–22, has remarkably shaped art, drama, literature, and theology. In light of this, this passage has its own chapter (Chapter 3). Generally, the format will include a brief “Overview” of the main issues, topics and sometimes historical context of the section, followed by “Ancient Receptions,” which will provide various kinds of readings and interpretations from the ancients through the Middle Ages; the Reformation has its own little section. This will be followed by “Other Interpretations” which will briefly survey issues treated by modern scholarship, particularly some of the innovative perspectives such as social‐scientific methodology, along with effects in Church organization, liturgy, and creeds, literature, music, and art as appropriate.
The general layout of the commentary will be by chapter; within each chapter, main topics and issues will be highlighted. Usually, the topics/issues fall neatly into the specific chapter of the text; in some cases, they do not, as clarified in the table of contents; also, the reception of the texts will be organized chronologically, except in some cases when topics call for a more thematic approach.
It is important to address a significant issue as we proceed: the relation between Jude and 2 Peter. There are many exceptional commentaries which treat this and other related issues at length, so this will be merely an overview. However, a few words are necessary to explain the reason this commentary is structured the way it is: 1 Peter, Jude, 2 Peter.