Читать книгу On-Camera Coach - Reed Karin M. - Страница 9

The Inescapable Reality – We All Have to Communicate through a Camera
Why You Need to Read This Book
The Power and Pervasiveness of Video


Video cameras are no longer just in a studio or pulled out of the closet for dance recitals; they're on your laptop, your webcam, your phone. They invade your personal space through apps like Skype, FaceTime, and Google Hangouts, and they've become as ubiquitous in the workplace as Excel spreadsheets and leftover birthday cake.

So what's driving this video proliferation? The medium itself is powerful and personal.

Consider how much time you spend viewing videos today versus even five years ago. The Age of YouTube has created an expectation that you can always watch rather than read. Need to know how to install a garbage disposal? Well, you could follow the directions enclosed in the Home Depot box – but why do that, when you can watch Bob the Plumber show you step by step in his DIY video?

Millennials have upped the ante even more with a penchant for Snapchat selfies and conversations conducted at length through the ever-growing list of video chat apps. For that generation, communicating through a camera is almost second nature.

But even the stodgiest of corporate cultures are making room for video. Corporate YouTube and Vimeo channels, Twitter accounts, and myriad social media opportunities vie with webinars, videoconferences, and Ted Talks for content. If a corporate web site doesn't have a video component, it looks outdated and downright boring. For the marketing department, it's a virtual video smorgasbord with unprecedented avenues to get your message out there.

But what happens if your messenger is about as dynamic on camera as a ham sandwich?

On-Camera Coach

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