Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 16

“And Darkness was upon the Face of the Deep”


(Q) In relation to the Oneness of all force, explain the popular concept of the Devil, seemingly substantiated in the Bible by so many passages of Scripture.

(A) In the beginning, celestial beings. We have first the Son, then the other sons, or celestial beings, that are given their force and power. Hence that force which rebelled in the unseen forces (or in spirit) that came into activity, was that influence which has been called Satan, the Devil, the Serpent; they are One. That of rebellion.


Hence, “darkness was upon the face of the Deep.” This represents the spirit of ignorance, selfishness, the loss of the Divine Awareness which resulted when the Sons of God separated themselves from the Creator.

As the above readings affirm, this occurred in spirit, before the earth was made. The earth, as written, was “without form and void.”

As has been given, error or separation began before there appeared what we know as the Earth, the Heavens, or before Space was manifested.


“And the spirit of God Moved upon the Face of the Waters”

In the beginning, when chaos existed in the creating of the earth, the Spirit of God moved over the face of same and out of chaos came the world—with its beauty in natural form, or in nature.


The following reading reaffirms the concept which has already been advanced. The creation of matter was first only an expression of God. But it became a source of self-indulgence and selfish expression as His Sons and Daughters began to project their individual and personal influences into it.

For the spirit of God moved and that which is in matter came into being for the opportunities of . . . His Sons, His Daughters. These are ever spoken of as One.

Then came that as sought self-indulgence, self-glorification; and there was the beginning of waning among themselves for activity—still in Spirit.

Then those that had made selfish movements moved into that which was and is Opportunity, and there came life into same.


Thus, in the reading’s view, the earth was not created out of a Void or from Nothingness. Rather, His spirit moved over the chaos and rebellion, and from these diverse elements He created Balance and Harmony, and established the foundations of the World.

The World became a place of “Opportunity” through which souls could begin to realize their separation from their spiritual surroundings.

As given from the beginning, by becoming aware in a material world is—or was—the only manner or way through which spiritual forces might become aware of their separation from the spiritual atmosphere, the spiritual surroundings of the Maker.

What has been given as the truest of all that has ever been written in Scripture? “God does not will that any soul should perish!” but man, in his head–strongness, harkens oft to that which would separate him from His Maker!


Apparently, “The Spirit of God moved upon the Face of the Waters” is correct as a description of the first phase of the material evolution of the earth. As it moved through the Mind of God, its first appearance was as “mist” or vapors.

. . . those portions as man looks up to in space, the mists that are gathering—what’s the beginning of this? In this same beginning, so began the earth’s sphere.


The following is Cayce’s description of the entire evolutionary progress:

First that of a mass, about which there arose the mist, and then the rising of same with light breaking over that as it settled itself as a companion of those in the universe, as it began its natural (or now natural) rotations, with the varied effects upon the various portions of same, as it slowly—and is slowly—receding or gathering closer to the sun, from which it receives its impetus for the awakening of the elements that give life itself, by [the] radiation of like elements from that which it receives from the sun.


How long did this evolution take? How long were the Days of Creation? Seven days? Seven years? Or seven million years or a trillion years? Vast epochs of Time are involved in which spiritual awareness became a material consciousness.

Time is a relative concept devised by man as a means to measure and understand his own experiences. Yet, as Cayce states in one reading, one minute experiencing the consciousness of God is more real and enduring than a thousand years of experience among the carnal–minded

With the creation of the earth and souls willfully projecting into it, we find two important statements made by Edgar Cayce.

The first is his affirmation that the earth was a separate creation from souls, and not intended as a habitation for them.

The earth and its manifestations were only the expression of God and not necessarily as a place of tenancy for the souls of men, until man was created—to meet the needs of existing conditions.


Cayce’s other statement defines the real dwelling place—the universe!

For the universe was brought into being for the purpose of being the dwelling place of the souls of God’s children—of which birthright this entity is a part.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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