Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 19

The Pre-Adamic World


Although the mating of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men is considered a post-Adamic experience, Cayce used this verse many times to describe events occurring many thousands of years before Adam.

And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

That the sons of God saw the daughters of men were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.(Genesis 6:1-2)

The lust described above was only one form of indulgence. Yet, in essence, it captures the spirit of the whole Rebellion.

. . . as a spirit [man] pushed his individuality into matter and began to express or manifest personal influence—for self, for ease, for comforts, for those things that would enable the individual entity to, in matter, lord [it] over others.


The following reading is a direct interpretation of the meaning of “Sons of God,” and “Daughters of Men.”

(Q) Explain the “Sons of God—Daughters of Men—Sons of Man.”

(A) . . . the influences of those souls that sought material expression pushed themselves into thought forms in the earth. And owing to the earth’s relative position with the activities in this particular sphere of activity in the universe, it was chosen as the place for expression . . .

Then, as those expressed they were called the Sons of the Earth—or Sons of Man.

When the Creative Forces, God, made then the first man—or Godman—he was the beginning of the Sons of God.

Then those souls who entered through a channel made by God—not by thought, not by desire, not by lust, not by things that separated continually—were the Sons of God, the Daughters of God.

The Daughters of Men, then, were those who became the channels through which lust knew its activity; and it was in this manner then that the conditions were expressed as given of old, that the Sons of God looked upon the Daughters of Men and saw that they were fair, and lusted!


Cayce found in the history of Atlantis the literal, or historical, basis for his interpretations of Genesis.

The existence of Atlantis is still a highly speculative and controversial question, yet evidence mounts which supports the view that it once existed. Yet the readings make reference to a Lemurian civilization, which antedates Atlantis. They also allude, rather obscurely, to civilizations called Da, Og, and Oz.

Although some remnants of this distant history can be found, it appears material science will never be able to definitely prove their existence. As the readings state, souls were not so closely knit in matter then, and thus these civilizations were more as “mental” or “thought-form” experiences.

The only records which remain exist on the ethers of Time and Space—the Akashic Record, the source from which Edgar Cayce drew all his information. This record can be read by anyone who, through spiritual development, achieves attunement to the universal forces.

Then through Mu, Oz, Atlantis—with the breaking up of these—why, why no records of these if there were the civilizations that are ordinarily accredited to them by the interpreting of the records made by entities or souls upon the skein of what? Time and Space!

But he only that has recognized Patience within self may indeed make the record as an experience in the consciousness of any.


In a Life reading, Cayce was able to trace back the origin of a young man’s homosexual tendencies to a pre–Adamic experience. The entity then had manifested as an androgynous “thought-projection.”

. . . we find the entity was in the Atlantean land and in those periods before Adam was in the earth. The entity was among those who were then “thought–projections,” and the physical being had the union of sex in the one body, and yet [was] a real musician on pipes or reed instruments.


The following describes another pre-Adamic experience, and suggests the nature of the spiritual and mental climate prevailing.

. . . in the Atlantean land the entity was the time–keeper for those who were called things, or the servants, or the workers of the peoples, and the entity felt latent and manifest, as in the present, the wanting to reform, to change things, so that every individual soul had the right to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of activity.

For to the entity, even in those periods of man’s unfoldment (for this was before Adam), the entity found during its activities the desire to improve, to make better those environs for the workers of that period. That alone brought into the entity’s consciousness of man’s position, the need of a pattern.

And the entity saw, the entity felt the need of God’s hand in what evil, or Satan, had brought in the earth.


Although the events in Genesis took place amidst the thriving civilization of Atlantis when many of the characters and creatures of mythology inhabited the earth, the writers of Scripture are not concerned with the details of history. Their sole concern was centered on the Light of Genesis 1:3 and its manifestations in the earth.

Distortions and variations of the Light—such as giants, talking serpents, and later, the pagans—are acknowledged when necessary to the narrative, but never a subject by itself to be discussed, described, or otherwise dwelt upon.

The writers were concerned with the perfection of God. It is the Christ-Light and its development that is followed throughout.

He, that Christ-consciousness, is that first spoken of in the beginning when God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” And that is the light manifested in the Christ. First it became physically conscious in Adam. And as in Adam we all die, so in the last Adam-Jesus, becoming the Christ—we are all made alive.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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