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The Six Days of Creation


Although the “dark side” of Creation has been dwelt upon in the preceding, it is necessary in order to establish an essential part of the Cayce philosophy—the conditions which made necessary the coming of Adam and the later raising up of the nation Israel.

From the Beginning, souls were involved with materiality at all different levels, from the highest to the lowest, from the lightest to the darkest. Cayce is unique in his interpretation of the Six Days of Creation as the evolving consciousness of those Sons of God who were projecting into materiality and experiencing it through the Light.

The Six Days describes the manner in which God directed the manifestation of His Spirit in materiality. It is the evolution of those Images first formed in Spirit.

The first Day arose from the recognition of the Light after a period of Darkness, or separation.

Do study creation, man’s relationship to God. What is light, that came into the earth, as described in the 3rd verse of Genesis 1? Find that light in self. It isn’t the light of the noonday sun, nor the moon, but rather of the Son of Man.


Time began through a consciousness of separation. In God’s Mind there is no division. All is One.

“Let there be light,” then, was that consciousness that Time began to be a factor in the experience of those creatures that had entangled themselves in matter; and became what we know as the influences in a material plane . . . Hence, as we see, the divisions were given then for the day, the night; and then man knew that consciousness [which] made him aware that the morning and the evening were the first day.


Or, as illustrated, the Day becomes the first day of the consciousness of separation from the forces [from] which the power, or the activity, is in action . . . Darkness, that it had separated—that a soul had separated itself from the light. Hence He called into being Light, and the awareness began.


The Second Day reflects the consciousness which was caused by the division of Spirit. The earth, as it took form, divided into two great forces, Water and Earth—Mind and Matter! More awareness is developed on the Third Day. An interesting concept is seen in the following:

Water, as manifest, [is] the beginning of life. Over large bodies of water, then, do many men of many lands learn that [which] is hard to be understood by those on land . . . Hence, many are given to dwell near large bodies of water, where sands and sea, where much comes that may not be touched by hands, may not be seen with the human eye, but is felt in the heart and trains the soul.

Wonders are often given as to why the restlessness of waves causes quietness from within. The answering of that from within self to the far call of the Spirit, of “God moved over the face of the waters and dry land appeared”; that man in his coming might make manifest the varied forms of the expression of God in his universe.


As the earth began to move out of itself into its various manifestations, there came the awareness of the powers of reproduction, and the “seed within the seed.” Genesis describes God’s creations as “after its kind” and that He saw that “it was good.” This distinguishes them from the selfish creations which were neither “good” nor “after its kind,” which was the Spirit of God.

Each thought, as things, has its seed, and if planted, or when sown in one or another ground, brings its own fruit; for thoughts are things, and as their currents run must bring their own seed.


The notes from Edgar Cayce’s Bible class record these comments about the seed of Genesis and its Significance.

“We can make a pattern of everything in nature, but we can’t make it reproduce. We can’t give it life. The seed of all vegetation is within the earth, because the power to reproduce was given to it by the Spirit from the beginning.

“The first principle was that God moved out of Himself. Consequently everything created has the seed within itself and creates by moving out of itself. Life in all its forms is God, and has the power within for its own reproduction.”

On the Third Day, the spiritual force in natural elements is recognized.

(Q) What are “the forces of the natural elements”?

(A) Fire, earth, air, water. These are the natural elements in the physical plane, and—as the forces of these have the influence—as the spirit of the air . . . The Spirit of each! see?


On the Fourth Day the Solar System was recognized as the source of particular forces and powers which could be used “for signs and for seasons.”

In the beginning, as our own planet, earth, was set in motion, the placing of other planets began the ruling of the destiny of all matter as created, just as the division of waters was and is ruled by the moon in its path about the earth; just so in the higher creation, as it began, is ruled by the action of the planets about the earth.

The strongest power in the destiny of man is the sun, first; then the closer planets, or those that are coming into ascendancy at the time of the birth of the individual; but let it be understood here, no action of any planet or any of the phases of the sun, moon, or any of the heavenly bodies surpasses the role of Man’s individual will power—the power given by the Creator of man in the beginning, when he became a living soul, with the power of choosing for himself.


For, remember, all of these planets, stars, universes, were made for the entity and its associates to rule, and not to be ruled by them, save as an individual entity gives itself to their influence.


When the earth brought forth its Life—the creations of the animals, of sea, sky and land—we have the Fifth Awareness, or state of consciousness.

The Sixth Day brings forth the creation of Man, and the soul partook of both spiritual and physical awareness. The sixth state is the level of the god-man.

Two interpretations of Genesis 1:27 are possible, and both of them are correct. It is an indication of the birth of the soul. It is not part of the earth creation. The animal is the highest order of that evolution. Man is a separate creation in itself, and was first created in spirit.

The second view is that, because of the need for a perfect man, once the earth had evolved to its completeness, then the physical pattern for the body of man—or his soul—was imaged in God’s Mind. Thus, Genesis 1:27 is a harbinger of the physical creation in Genesis 2.

. . . the preparation for the needs of man has gone down many, many thousands and millions of years, as is known in this plane, for the needs of man in the hundreds and thousands of years to come.

Man is man, and God’s order of creation, which he represents even as His Son, who is the representative of the Father, took on the form of Man, the highest of the creation in the plane, and became to man that element that shows and would show, and will show the way, the directing way, the Life, the Water, the Vine, to the everlasting, when guided and kept in that manner . . .


When the earth evolved to the point where all the necessary elements were present for sustaining life in this form, we have the advent of Adam, and the coming of the Sons of God.

Man was made in the beginning, as the ruler over those elements as . . . prepared in the earth plane for his needs. When the plane became . . . such [that] man was capable of being sustained by the forces and conditions as were upon the face of the earth plane, man appeared not from that already created, but as the Lord over all that was created, and in man there is found that in the living man, all of that that may be found without in the whole, whole world or earth plane . . . the soul of man is that making him above all animal, vegetable, mineral kingdoms of the earth plane.


And, remember, man, the soul of man, the body of man, the mind of man, is nearer to limitlessness than anything in creation.


On the Seventh Day, God rested.

Sure, it is indicated that He rested on the 7th day—to take stock, or to let His purpose flow through that which had been made, that it might be perfected in itself.


The Seventh Plane could be considered as one of contemplation and review. All that which was destined for manifestation in the earth plane had been perfected within itself, in the Mind of God.

Now His Spirit flowed into these creations, giving them Life:

(Q) Please explain the statement in Genesis, “In six days God made the heavens and the earth and rested the seventh day.”

(A) . . . When it is considered (as was later given, or written even before this was written) that “a thousand years is as but a day and a day as but a thousand years in the sight of the Lord,” then it may be comprehended that this was colored by the writer in his desire to express to the people the power of the living God—rather than a statement of six days as man comprehends days in the present. Not that it was an impossibility—but rather that men under the environ should be impressed by the omnipotence of that they were called on to worship as God.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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