Читать книгу Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible - Robert W. Krajenke - Страница 17

“And Dry Land Appeared”


As the earth evolved, continents appeared and oceans formed. The Sons of God experienced each phase of development.

Two states of consciousnesses were being expressed: those who were “Sons of Darkness,” who were becoming more and more selfish and material-minded, and those who were still “Children of the Light,” who were experiencing the cycles of evolution through the Light and in harmony with God’s Patterns.

It is necessary here to follow out the activities of the Sons of Darkness, in order to establish our premise.

As these souls took on form and shape, great civilizations evolved over the continents. These beings possessed great mental and spiritual powers, and warfare–a reflection of the spiritual pattern—began between the two groups.

The readings admonish us not to confuse our flesh bodies of today with the bodies of Man in the very early history. They were soul-bodies then, Cayce states, “light” bodies which “were not so closely knit in matter.” (281-42)

Lecturing to his Bible students, Cayce described the condition thus:

“These beings were male and female in one; they were images (in spirit) of that God-spirit which moved and brought Light into being. Consequently, they also had the ability to push out of themselves, or to divide into various manifestations. They began to do this for their own selfish gratification, or for the propagation of their own selfishness, rather than for the glory of their Creator.

Unless we can get a glimpse of such a state existing in the earth, it will be impossible to understand the necessity, later, of God creating a perfect man, through which all souls might return to their original source.”

“And God Said, Let There Be Light” (Gen. 1:3)

A characteristic of Cayce’s interpretations is that all phases of Scripture are related to states of consciousness which are directly experiential. Thus, “Let there be Light” can be experienced through an awakening to the perfection of the godhead within. The verse also relates to “First consciousness,” and the creation of souls.

For in the beginning, God said, “Let there be light.” You are one of those sparks of light, with all the ability of Creation, with all the knowledge of God.


When Jesus spoke of himself as “The Light” it was in reference to this Light of Genesis.

Begin and read Genesis 1:3, and see that is to thee Light, the light of men, even that One who is the Christ-Consciousness.


This verse was of central importance to Edgar Cayce. One of his Bible class students recalls his stating that the rest of Scripture was an attempt to explain, “And God said, Let there be Light.”

Apparently the First Consciousness of souls not only partook of the awareness of “The Lord thy God is One,” but also “love of neighbor as self”:

The spirit moved—or soul moved—and there was Light (Mind). The Light became the light of man—Mind made aware of conscious existence in spiritual aspects or relationships as one to another.


Edgar Cayce's Story of the Bible

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