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Taking the Test at Home


When this book lands in your hands, the at-home GRE test option may still be available. You will have to submit proof that you’re not set up to cheat. ETS provides detailed requirements when you sign up, but anti-cheat measures include taking a video of your room and using software that ensures no other app is open on your computer. This may be invasive, but ETS has to make sure you’re not stealing an advantage with your at-home setup.

Some students prefer the testing center so that there are no home-based distractions (such as family, dog, or phone notifications). On the other hand, at-home testing ensures that you can grab a time that works best for you, rather than selecting from the remaining open time slots at the testing center. Give it some thought, and hopefully at-home testing is still an option.

GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice

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