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Eating well


Certain foods and beverages affect your cognitive ability, so avoid highly processed foods and foods high in sugar, starch, or fat. These foods tend to make you feel sluggish or result in bursts of energy followed by prolonged crashes. Lean more toward veggies — especially green, leafy veggies — and foods that are high in protein. When it comes to carbohydrates, go for complex over simple. Complex carbohydrates are typically in fresh fruits, veggies, and whole-grain products. Simple carbohydrates (to be avoided) are in candy, soda, anything made from white flour, and most junk foods, including chips. And forget those energy drinks that combine huge amounts of caffeine and sugar to get you to a state of heightened tension.

If you plan on taking an energy drink or anything unusual on the day of the test, try it out first on a practice test. If the drink gives you the jitters or upsets your stomach, you won’t want to discover this on the day of the exam.

GRE 2022 For Dummies with Online Practice

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