Читать книгу The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen / Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена. Уровень 1 - Рудольф Эрих Распе, Готфрид Бюргер, Готфрид Август Бюргер - Страница 5

Rudolph Erich Raspe
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen
The Baron and His Horse


I went to Russia, in the midst of winter. I went on horseback, as the most convenient manner of traveling. I was lightly clothed, and I felt the inconvenience the more I advanced[2] north-east.

What severe weather and climate! Suddenly I saw an old beggar; he was lying on the road, helpless, shivering. He had nothing to cover his nakedness. I pitied him. Though I felt the severity of the air myself, I threw my mantle over him, and immediately I heard a voice from the heavens:

“You will be rewarded, my son, for this!”

I went on. I saw no village. The country was covered with snow, and I was unacquainted with the road.

I alighted, and fastened my horse to something like a pointed stump of a tree, which appeared above the snow. I placed my pistols under my arm, and slept on the snow. I slept so soundly that I did not open my eyes till full daylight. And I was astonished: I found myself[3] in the midst of a village. I was lying in a churchyard. I did not see my horse, but I heard it somewhere above me. I looked upwards and I beheld the horse hanging by its bridle to the cross of the church.

Oh! The village was covered with snow overnight; then there was a sudden change of weather. I sank down to the churchyard whilst asleep, gently. But what was above the snow? It was not a pointed stump of a tree, to which I tied my horse: it was the cross of the church! And the horse could not go down. What to do?

Without long consideration I took one of my pistols, shot the bridle in two[4], brought the horse, and proceeded on my journey.


the more I advanced – чем ближе я двигался


I found myself – я оказался


in two – надвое

The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen / Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена. Уровень 1

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