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Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child



(Parents and baby, along with any other siblings, join minister on chancel)

Today, we are glad to have with us in this service of worship baby N and his/her parents X and Y Z, who are part of this congregation.

Having come to our Church family from another tradition of the Christian Church, and having given careful thought and consideration to bringing their new baby for baptism, they have concluded that they want to leave the decision about baptism to be made by their baby once he/she is old enough to make his/her own response to the love of God in Jesus Christ.

Today, X and Y have not brought N for baptism,

But they have brought him/her

 as an act of thanksgiving to God, recognising that he/she is a precious gift, entrusted by God to them.

They have brought him/her

 to receive God’s blessing, as mothers long ago brought their children to Jesus, who took them in his arms and blessed them.

They have brought him/her

 to be among God’s people in this place, where together our Christian witness creates a community of faith in which children can learn to know Jesus Christ.

Scripture says:

Jesus called for the children and said, ‘Let the children come to me; do not try to stop them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you: whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.’

(Luke 18:16–17, REB)


Let us pray.

Gracious God our Father,

We praise you for all your gifts to us.

Especially this day, we give thanks for your gift of baby N to his/her family, and now to us, his/her family in faith.

We thank you for giving us the honour and responsibility of caring for young lives and teaching them about you. We thank you for their joy and liveliness, enthusiasm and affection – signs of your own Spirit and love.

Thanks be to you in Jesus’ name. AMEN.


(Minister takes baby)

N, all around you now are God’s family – people who love Jesus Christ and try to follow him.

We are so delighted to have you here among us.

People of God, meet baby N. Welcome him/her in Jesus’ name and care for him/her with all Christian kindliness and grace.

Dedication of Parents

X and Y will now ask God’s help as parents.

Parents say together:

God our Father, we thank you for the gift of baby N.

Help us to live together as a family in love, joy and peace.

Give us wisdom to be good parents that we may love and serve you faithfully, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

(Minister returns baby to parents)


Let us pray:

Gracious God,

We ask your blessing on baby N, on his/her parents, (brother/s/sister/s) and their home.

And may they always walk in your ways and to your glory.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Worship Anthology

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