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The Rainbow Tree


Each year, about two Sundays before Christmas, the ‘Rainbow Tree’ starts the service as a bare branch cemented into a tub. During the service, people come forward and tie a ribbon on the tree, one for each person they wish to remember. The ribbons are of all the colours of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet – to remind all of God’s promises seen in the rainbow.

The tree stays in the church until Easter, when the ribbons are removed and sewn into something for the church.

This whole act reaches a very deep need, because bereaved people find the ‘jolly’ side of Christmas so hard. Many churches hold similar services using small candles for remembrance; but we have found the lasting nature of the ribbons, and the fact they are kept and used year by year, to be especially appreciated.

The tree itself can be viewed on Cumbernauld Old Parish Church website along with some of the things that have been made with each year’s ribbons.


May the light of Christ shining through our tears

become the rainbow of Your promise;

shining colours of Your love’s bright presence

in Your grieving, struggling, yet hoping world. (Anon.)

Worship Anthology

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