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A Toast

I WANT TO RAISE A GLASS and say that I am so impressed with you right now.

I am impressed that you have committed your time, your intellect, and your emotional availability to this — this project of you. This project of you moving through your life in a way that feels better, calmer, kinder, more like the real you, less reactive, less self-sacrificing, more self-nourishing, and with more laughter.

Before we begin, I want you to see an email exchange I had with a potential client recently when he wrote to me about an online workshop I was offering:

Hi Sam,

While I applaud your efforts and wholeheartedly agree with your philosophy, the bottom line is that you are a motivational speaker and people feed off of your energy because that is something that they cannot provide for themselves. It’s not about the book or the event, it’s about your personality and charisma. . . .The problem is, once the book is read and the event attended we are usually back to square one.

Anyway, I wish you success in your efforts and I will continue to watch your webinars, you are really quite therapeutic but unless you are going to move in with me and give me a kick in the pants 24/7, this stuff usually doesn’t work.

— B.

Here’s what I wrote back:

Hi B.

I think that what you are saying is exactly true — but only for about 80 percent of my audience.

That 80 percent attend a training or they read a book, they get excited . . . and then they go right back to their same old patterns and nothing changes.

As near as I can tell, that 80 percent number is true for all personal development stuff, from gym memberships to preachers to diet plans to financial strategies to everything else on the planet. Shoot — most of us wear only 20 percent of our wardrobe most of the time; the other 80 percent goes unworn.

And I think that’s fine.

If 80 percent of my audience are going to use me as a source of temporary inspiration and entertainment, well, then — what’s wrong with that?

The remaining 20 percent, though . . . they actually do it.

They take the strategies and ideas I teach, and they run with them, and they change.

They double their income.

They get out of destructive relationships.

They publish their book.

They get their “dream” business up and running.

My experience is that when people — well, I was going to write “are ready to change,” but I mean more than that — when change becomes mandatory for them, they find the teacher who’s right for them and they change.

So, B., if you suspect that you’ve reached the “mandatory” stage . . . or even if you’d just like a temporary shot of inspiration, I’d love to invite you to join us.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write.



So here is my question for you:

Are you ready to be part of the 20 percent? Are you hungry to see real results? Because the techniques, mind-set shifts, and strategies I lay out here and at www.StartRightWhereYouAre.com have changed my life and the lives of thousands of my clients, and I know they can change yours, too.

Here’s a toast to you and your wonderful self.

By the way, you look really great today.

Start Right Where You Are

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