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Chapter 4

Using Creativity to Find Answers

The tape that is appropriate for this exercise is Peaceful Place (PP) No. 7 – Tapping Your Creativity. In the Introduction of this tape it will ask you about your ‘Challenge’. Your ‘Challenge’ in this case is “What is My Life’s Purpose?”.

Make sure that a pencil and a piece of paper are close at hand so that you can write down some answers that come into your mind. It is OK for several things to come into your mind and compete with each other at this stage. Write them down. The fact that several things come into your mind and compete is certainly a sign that your mind is active about the subject. The fact that some of these ideas may be jostling for your attention simply means that you have not yet mentally allocated the priorities between all the competing concepts of ‘purpose’ that you may be carrying around in your head.

At the end of your period of meditation, summarise the points that you have made into a ‘Statement of Life’s Purpose’, or if you haven’t jotted down points during the meditation, then still write the above statement – that is, whatever you think it is. The process of working through this book will give you the tools to refine your statement of Life’s Purpose until it is absolutely and clearly a statement of what you really want to do, both consciously and subconsciously.

1.Allow yourself 20 minutes of uninterrupted time in a quiet place to complete the next stage.

2.Get into a comfortable position.

3.EITHER ...

A)Play Sandy’s tape, Peaceful Place No 7 – Tapping Your Creativity, Side 2 (the words are below)

OR ...

B)Play some baroque music and your friend can slowly read out the guided imagery words to you.

PP7 – Tapping Your Creativity

When you prepare to do this meditation it would always be best if you have a pad or a piece of paper next to you; or you may prefer a tape recorder so that you can quickly switch it on and speak into it. The idea of this is so that you are able to record any really good idea, as it comes into your mind. You see in this state, to attain creativity you go deeper and deeper into what is called the theta state, which is like a dream state. In this “theta” state your mind is very active and thoughts or answers can come to you, especially when you frame a specific question. So what you’re doing is tapping into the subconscious mind and recording thoughts as they come to you when you’re in this almost dreamlike state. Remember sometimes when you wake up in the morning and you know you’ve had a dream the night before but the memory of it has gone, even though you know it was a good dream. You see, to capture and record a dream, you need to wake up straight away and then write it down. So here’s a quick method that you can use to do that when you are actually in the meditation state. When a thought you wish to capture enters your mind, tell yourself to count to three and on the count of three you will open your eyes, you will pick up your pen and write down whatever thought it is. Or instead, you may choose to speak into your tape recorder. When you have captured the thought tell yourself to count from three down to one and that when you get back down to one you are going to be totally relaxed and that you go back to the same place you were before you captured your thought, and then continue your creative meditation. So have you got that? If you need to hear it again just rewind the tape and listen to that part again.

This creativity can be applied to almost anything. Basically you’re tapping into that inner power within you. For instance if you’re a writer and you want to work with more ideas about writing a book, or getting part of a story, you can do that. If you’re a sculptor you can direct your creativity to new and interesting shapes. As an artist you may have come to a block, so you can use your creativity to undo that block and ask for ideas: “What’s next?”, and let your creative mind answer. In problem solving it can be applied from the point of view of putting the problem into your subconscious mind and then asking for the next step of the solution. You probably have a vision of the ultimate outcome but you’re not sure of what the next step is. It’s in this way of course that inventors work and it’s another way to use your creativity. Remember Thomas Edison used this system for 1,078 different inventions, 1,000 of which were commercially viable and put into production. Select your current challenge for this meditation.

So are you ready now? Have you got your paper or tape recorder?

INDUCTION from Page 33

And now just bring to your mind a challenge for which you seek a solution. Alternatively, perhaps you wish to create something like a painting, a sculpture or a story – let’s call this your challenge. Put this challenge into your mind, by either seeing, sensing or feeling that you see it. Perhaps you can feel or touch it, or perhaps you verbalise it in your mind. Whatever challenge you wish to meditate on, bring it to mind so that you are totally familiar with all the aspects or circumstances surrounding your challenge. So do that now.

And now, in your mind, see the solution to your challenge. Use vivid visualisation. See and tell yourself about your achievement. Hear people congratulating you and saying “well done”. Get a sense or perhaps even a smell of your achievement. Perhaps touch and feel the warmth or coolness or smoothness or roughness of whatever it is that you’ve just accomplished. Perhaps visualise the completed article, visualise the completed solution, visualise the completed event that you have in your mind. Get that picture the best way you know how. Know that the outcome is truly fantastic for you – it’s a wonderful accomplishment. Hear the congratulations, hear yourself congratulating yourself ... yes you’ve got it now ... know that you’re now feeling really proud. Bring in as much emotion as you can, as you feel so good about the accomplishment of your challenge.

You now let these wonderful feelings subside, feeling a happy sense of achievement. Now return to your challenge, having clearly in mind, what stage it is you’re at ... you now ask yourself for the next step. You say ... “What is my next step?” Then allow thoughts to come to you. Allow scenes to come in, maybe you get a special feeling and now as the music plays just concentrate on your breathing and let those thoughts come in and, as you get that thought that you want to capture remember what to do. Here’s a reminder ... you tell yourself first of all to count from one to three and then write down your thought, or speak into a tape recorder and capture it. Remember, before you do that you tell yourself that after capturing the thought you then count from three down to one so that you come back to this state and same place that you’re in now. This music is going to continue to play and it will continue to play until the end of this tape. At the end of this tape as the music goes off you can then either choose to stay in meditation without me or you can choose to count from one to five and on the count of five you open your eyes, relaxed, well, healthy and invigorated having some wonderful, new, creative ideas. Remember to do this several times and get your subconscious mind to help you. Now you continue by concentrating on your task and asking yourself “What is my next step?”.

Music then continues for approximately 15 minutes.

Mind Exercise No. 1 – Life’s Purpose

At the end of this meditation summarise the points that make sense (some seem to be crazy points don’t they?) It’s OK if you haven’t jotted down any points. What is important is that you now write a statement either summarising the points, or whatever comes into your head, describing as best you know, your Life’s Purpose.

At the end of writing your Life’s Purpose you might like to record your Statement below.

My name is……………………………………….……… and my Statement of My Life’s Purpose is:


Creating Happiness Intentionally

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