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Couple’s shower


A couple’s shower is a party where both people who are getting married attend. This is a wonderful way to bring people together on both sides to celebrate your marriage. The guest list is co-ed and more inclusive than just one of you hosting a shower. It also takes the pressure off one or the other because you attend the party together and the attention is on the happy couple.

This shower is often planned by the bridal party, parents, or close friends, but a couple can opt to plan their own. A couple’s shower can be a dinner party like the engagement party, or it could be held in a brunch setting. You may also consider a group activity. The great news is that there are lots of options and everything is fair game!

A couple’s shower should occur one to two months prior to your wedding. The host can be a person in your bridal party, parents, or a close family friend. The guest list is limitless regarding who you can invite, but the location of your shower might determine who can attend. If a relative or family friend is hosting your shower, consider a backyard BBQ. You can also rent an intimate event space or a location that offers a group activity, such as duckpin bowling; golf is also a favorite option.

A good theme will enhance your couple’s shower. Consider incorporating where you met or where you got engaged. Include your favorite food or cater in your favorite local restaurant. The important piece is that this shower reflects you and your better half. Consider coordinating your outfits for this party. After all, you’re doing this together. Have fun planning what to wear with your fiancé.

Paper invitations are appropriate for your couple’s shower and should incorporate each of you. The invitation should include the title of the event, your names, date, time, location, RSVP information, and your registry. The RSVP date should be two weeks before the event and your host should collect the responses via phone or email.

Games are a shower tradition, and at a couple’s shower they can be themed to incorporate both of you, such as having your guests fill out a premade card that includes a list of items: Who is better at cooking? Who is better with their money? Who sleeps in? Your guest will answer each question and you’ll share the correct answer. Whoever gets the most answers correct wins a prize. This game always keeps the guests laughing as they wonder which one of you hits the snooze button fifteen times and which one wakes up as soon as you hear the alarm.

Planning A Wedding For Dummies

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