Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 292


Al-Ma’idah 5: 85–9

(85) So Allah rewarded them for these words with the Gardens beneath which rivers flow so that they would abide there forever. Such is the reward of the people who do good. (86) Those who disbelieved and gave the lie to Our Signs are rightfully the inmates of the Blazing Flame.

(87) Believers! Do not hold as unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful to you,46 and do not exceed the bounds of right. Allah does not love those who transgress the bounds of right. (88) And partake of the lawful, good things which Allah has pro- vided you as sustenance, and refrain from disobeying Allah in Whom you believe.

(89) Allah does not take you to task for the oaths you utter vainly, but He will certainly take you to task for the oaths you have sworn in earnest. ▶

46 This verse embodies two directives. The first is that man should not arrogate to himself the authority to proclaim things either lawful or unlawful according to his own wishes. Only that which God has held to be lawful is lawful, and only that which God has declared unlawful is unlawful. If human beings were to declare certain things either lawful or unlawful on their own authority, they would not be following the law of God but their own laws. The second directive is that they should not adopt the course of world-renunciation and abstention from worldly pleasures as the Christian monks, Hindu mendicants, Buddhist bhikshus and illuminationist mystics did.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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