Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 302


Al-Ma’idah 5: 111–14

(111) And recall when I revealed to the disciples to believe in Me and in My Messenger, they said: “We do believe, and we bear witness that indeed we are the ones who submit to Allah.” (112) Also recall56 when the disciples asked: “Jesus, son of Mary, has your Lord the power to send down to us a repast from the heaven?” Thereupon Jesus said: “Fear Allah if you do indeed have faith.” (113) They said: “We desire to partake of it that our hearts be satisfied and we know that you did speak the truth to us, and that we are its witnesses.” (114) Jesus, son of Mary, then prayed: “O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a repast from the heavens that shall be a festival for the first of us and for the last of us and a Sign from You. And provide us with sustenance for You are the Best Provider of sustenance.” ▶

56 Since the disciples have been mentioned here, the continuity of the subject is interrupted for a moment in order to introduce another incident connected with the disciples. This clearly shows that Jesus’ direct disciples considered him merely a human being and a servant of God; they did not entertain any notion that their master was either God or God’s partner or son. Jesus, too, had presented himself to them as a servant of God and made no claim to having Divine status or authority.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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