Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 70


Al-Baqarah 2: 75–8

(75) Do you hope that these people will believe in the Message you are preaching,29 even though a party of them has been wont to listen to the Word of Allah and after they had fully grasped it, knowingly distorted it? (76) And when they meet those who believe (in Muhammad) they say: “We too believe in him.” But in their intimate meetings they say to one another: “How foolish! Why should you intimate to them what Allah has revealed to you, for they will use it as argument against you before your Lord?” (77) Are they unaware that Allah knows all that they hide and all that they disclose? (78) Among them are also the unlettered folk who do not know about the Scriptures but cherish baseless wishes and merely follow their conjectures. ▶

29 This is addressed to the converts of Madinah, who had then lately affirmed their faith in the Prophet (peace be on him). These people had some vague notions about Prophethood, Heavenly Scriptures, Angels, the After-Life, Divine Law and so on, and for this they were indebted to their Jewish neighbours. They naturally expected that those who already followed Prophets and Divine Scriptures, and who, by introducing them to these ideas had contributed to their embracing the true faith, would not only join the ranks of the true believers, but would even be amongst their vanguard.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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