Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 84


Al-Baqarah 2: 124–5

when no one’s intercession will profit anyone, when there shall be no help from any quarter.

(124) Recall when Abraham’s Lord tested him in certain matters and when he success- fully stood the test, He said: “Indeed I am going to appoint you a leader of all people.” When Abraham asked: “And is this covenant also for my descendants?” the Lord res- ponded: “My covenant does not embrace the wrong- doers.” 41

(125) And We made this House (Ka[bah) a resort for mankind and a place of security, commanding people: “Take the station of Abraham as a permanent place for Prayer,” and enjoined Abraham and Ishmael: “Purify My House for those who walk around it, and those who abide in devotion, and those who bow, and who prostrate themselves (in Prayer).”

41 This specifies that God’s promise of the conferment of leadership applied only to those of Abraham’s offspring who were righteous, and that the wrong-doers were naturally excluded. The word “wrong-doer” does not merely apply to those who are unjust and cruel to human beings but also to those who are unjust with regard to the Truth.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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