Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 74


Al-Baqarah 2: 90–1

and even though they had prayed for victory against the unbelievers,31 and yet when that Book came to them – and they recognized it – they refused to acknowledge its Truth. Allah’s curse be upon the unbelievers. (90) Evil indeed is what they console themselves with.32 They deny the guidance revealed by Allah, grudging that He chose to bestow His gracious bounty (of revelation and prophethood) on some of His servants whom He willed.33 Thus they have brought on themselves wrath after wrath, and a humiliating chastisement is in store for such unbelievers.

(91) When they are told: “Believe in what Allah has revealed,” they say: ▶

31 Before the advent of the Prophet (peace be on him), the Jews were eagerly awaiting a Prophet whose coming had been prophesied by their own Prophets. In fact, the Jews used to pray for his advent so that the dominance of the unbelievers could come to an end and the age of their own dominance be ushered in.

32 Another possible rendering of the same verse is: “And how evil is that for the sake of which they had sold themselves,” i.e. for the sake of which they had sacrificed their ultimate happiness and salvation.

33 They had longed for the promised Prophet to arise from among their own ranks. But when he arose among a different people, a people they despised, they decided to reject him. Their attitude bordered on saying that when God wants to raise a Prophet He should consult them and should abide by their opinion.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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