Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 88


Al-Baqarah 2: 138–42

(138) Say: “Take on Allah’s colour.” And whose colour is better than Allah’s? It is Him that we serve.

(139) Say (O Prophet): “Will you then dispute with us concerning Allah when He is our Lord and your Lord? Our deeds are for us and your deeds are for you. And it is Him that we serve exclusively.” (140) Or do you claim that Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob and the descendants (of Jacob) were “Jews” or “Christians?” Say: “Who has greater knowledge, you or Allah?” Who does greater wrong than he who conceals a testimony he has received from Allah? Allah is not heedless of the things you do. (141) Now, they were a people who passed away. Theirs is what they earned, and yours is what you earn; you shall not be questioned concerning what they did.

(142) The block-headed will say: “What has turned them away from the direction they formerly observed in Prayer?”43 ▶

43 After his migration to Madinah the Prophet (peace be on him) continued to pray in the direction of Jerusalem approximately for a period between sixteen


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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