Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 104


Al-Baqarah 2: 188–9

(188) Do not usurp one another ’s possessions by false means, nor proffer your possessions to the authorities so that you may sinfully and knowingly usurp a portion of another’s possessions.57

(189) People question you concerning the phases of the moon. Say: “They are signs to determine time for the sake of people and for the Pilgrim- age.” Also tell them: “True righteousness is not that you enter your houses from the back; righteousness lies in fearing Allah. So, enter your houses by their doors, and fear Allah that you might attain true success.”58

57 One meaning of this verse is that people should not try to seek illegitimate benefits by bribing magistrates. Another meaning is that when a person is aware that the property to which he lays a claim rightfully belongs to someone else, he should not file a judicial petition simply because the other party lacks the evidence to support their case or because, by trickery and cunning, the petitioner can usurp that property. It is possible that the judicial authority would decide the case in favour of the false claimant on the basis of the formal strength of the claim, but as this judicial verdict would merely be the result of the chicanery to which the claimant had resorted he would not be its rightful owner.

58 One superstitious custom of the Arabs was that once they entered the state of consecration for Pilgrimage they did not enter their houses by the door. Instead, they either leapt over the walls from the rear or climbed through windows which they had especially erected for that purpose. On returning from journeys, too, they entered their houses from the rear. In this verse this superstitious custom is denounced, as are other superstitious customs. It is emphatically pointed out


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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