Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 92


Al-Baqarah 2: 149–51

(149) From wheresoever you might come forth turn your face towards the Holy Mosque; for that indeed is the Truth from your Lord, and Allah is not heedless of what you do. (150) From wheresoever you come forth turn your faces towards the Holy Mosque, and wheresoever you may be, turn your faces towards it in Prayer so that none may have an argument against you,48 unless they be those immersed in wrong-doing. Do not fear them, but fear only Me so that I may complete My favour49 upon you; perhaps you will be guided to the Right Way. (151) Just as when We sent among you a Messenger of yourselves, who recites to you Our Signs, purifies your lives, instructs you in the Book and in Wisdom, ▶

48 Any lapse in this matter on the part of Muslims would give their opponents a weapon to use against them in their polemics. They would be able to hold Muslims up to ridicule on the grounds that they had violated what they themselves claimed to be from their Lord.

49 The “favour” here refers to the position of world leadership and guidance from which God later removed the Children of Israel and which was then conferred upon this ummah. The Muslims should follow the directives of God if for no other reason than that ingratitude and disobedience might divest them of the honour that has been bestowed upon them.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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