Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 91


Al-Baqarah 2: 146–8

nor will you follow their direction of Prayer. None is prepared to follow the other’s direction of Prayer. Were you to follow their desires in disregard of the knowledge which has come to you, you will surely be reckoned among the wrong- doers. (146) Those to whom We have given the Scripture recognize the place (towards which one must turn in Prayer) as fully as they recognize their own sons,47 this even though a group of them knowingly conceals the Truth. (147) This is a definite Truth from your Lord; be not, then, among the doubters.

(148) Everyone has a direct- ion towards which he turns; so excel one another in good works. Allah will bring you all together wherever you might be, for nothing is beyond His power.

47 “To recognize something as fully as one recognizes one’s sons” is an Arabic idiom. It is used with regard to things which one knows without the least shadow of a doubt. The Jewish and Christian scholars were well aware that the Ka[bah had been constructed by Abraham and that Jerusalem had been built by Solomon some thirteen hundred years after that, and that in the latter’s time it was made the qiblah. This is an unquestionable historical fact and they knew it to be so.


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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