Читать книгу Our Higher Calling - Sherrell Byrd - Страница 20
Day 17 Feed Me John 6:35-40
Оглавление“Guide me, oh thou Great Jehovah, pilgrim in a barren land. I am weak but thou art mighty, hold me with your powerful hands. Bread of heaven. Bread of heaven. Feed me till I want no more.”
What a wonderful hymn, one of those “oldies but goodies.” The meaning is far beyond human comprehension.
When we come to Christ with a humble heart, we will never want for anything. We will never hunger or thirst. All that the Father gave Him, He gives to us. It’s good to know that we belong to a Savior who will not turn us away. And in the end, He will raise us up and take us back with Him.
There are no “hunger pangs” in Christ. He will satisfy our every craving.