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Day 2 How Shall We Escape? Hebrews 2


Is there anything you need to get rid of in your life in order to serve the Lord better? Because of the carnality of the nature of man, there is always something that must be removed from the heart in order to please God. Then we are better prepared to serve Him and effectively witness to men and women everywhere.

Lay aside malice, guile, hypocrisy, envy and evil words. Lay aside anything you know that God will not approve of. When we have a strong desire for the Word of God, we are well on our way to becoming that special people He has called into existence.

Some feel they can serve God without changing their lifestyles. But there must be a change. When we accepted Jesus Christ, it marked a new beginning in our lives. Whatever comes between you and God must be laid aside.

Our Higher Calling

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