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Day 6 Understand? 1 Corinthians 14:15


As Christians, we pray and seek the Lord for answers to our problems. We pray in a manner without understanding. We sometimes don’t understand that God wants us to “brag” on Him. We need to tell Him how great He really is and how wonderful, loving and gracious He has been to His people. After all, who do you know who can love us like God? When we pray with understanding, we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us so that our prayers will reach heaven.

Even when we sing, we are to do so with understanding. Let the Holy Spirit put a song in your heart that is best for your situation. Then you will understand why you’re singing praises to God. You’ll understand the words to great songs such as, “I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired” or “Amazing Grace.” Whatever you do for the Lord, understand why!

Our Higher Calling

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