Читать книгу Our Higher Calling - Sherrell Byrd - Страница 21

Day 18 Take Him In John 6:51


There are times when we are not at our best, because we do not take in those things that nourish us. It’s one thing to know what’s good for us, but it’s another thing to use it. When we neglect proper nutrition, we rob ourselves of energy and strength.

The same holds true when it comes to allowing Christ to enter in. He says, “He is the Bread of Life.” In other words, He is the real “Wonder Bread.” But we must take Him in that we may receive spiritual strength.

Jesus separated Himself from our physical bread by saying, “He is the Living Bread” which came down from heaven. But He also said that we are to take Him in that we might live forever. No red, yellow and blue balloons to identify this bread. Take in Christ!

Our Higher Calling

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