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Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice, Third Edition is a team effort. We acknowledge and thank Ethan Lipson, editor, and Monica Rogers, associate editor at Wiley for their support, as well as Kezia Endsley, developmental editor. We recognize and remember our friend Andy Pasternack (1955–2013) who fought cancer with the intelligence, passion, and humor that he brought to everything he did. Andy championed and supported the book’s initial development and publication. We miss him.

We acknowledge and recognize Diane Allensworth, who served as co-editor for the first and second editions. Diane’s early and continuous support of the book made the difference in the decision to publish the book. We appreciate her commitment and vision for health promotion programs in all places people live, work, study, play, and worship.

We thank the current and past chapter authors as well as their supporting organizations and families. We recognize the School of Education, University of Pittsburgh and College of Education and Human Development, Radford University for their support and effort on behalf of the text.

We appreciate and acknowledge the hundreds of SOPHE members and the SOPHE staff and board members who work to promote people’s health worldwide. Thank you.

Carl I. Fertman

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Melissa L. Grim

Radford, Virginia

January 2022


This book is accompanied by a companion website. www.wiley.com\go\fertman\healthpromotionprograms3e

The website includes for use in the classroom, for students’ self-reflection and for online courses:

 Lectures PowerPoint slides

 Chapter test banks

 Case studies

 Planning health promotion program course project model

 Cross-reference to NCHES competencies

 Tables, figures and sidebars from the book in PDF form

Health Promotion Programs

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