Читать книгу Stand Tall Leadership - Steven A. Bollar - Страница 23

2.2. Integrity


What is integrity? Personally, I think integrity is a set of beliefs, values, and actions that others can depend on. Everyone has integrity. Some people have high integrity and some people have low integrity. Either way, it is there. Those beliefs, values, and actions may have high moral standards, or they may be extremely low moral standards. Regardless of where the moral compass points, others know where you stand because you are consistent with your beliefs, values, and actions. Of course, everyone wants to have high integrity. The challenge comes when conflict arises. Conflict can bring out the best and the worst in people. In most cases, people are very reactionary when faced with a conflict. The true YOU comes out for everyone to see. In order for the true YOU to maintain a high level of integrity during conflict, you need to practice in times when there is no conflict.

You don't establish integrity immediately. Integrity is developed over time. Others need to experience your beliefs, values, and actions. They have to hear you say it, watch you do it, and watch you say and do it again. There needs to be a pattern of continual behavior that is consistent with what you say and believe. There are times that others have experienced your level of integrity and can vouch for you. That only goes so far. New people in your life need to experience your integrity firsthand.

For an example: Do you know someone who is always late? It doesn't matter what the situation is, you know this person is going to come in late. It is a belief, value, and action that you can depend on. Do you know someone who is always on time? It doesn't matter what the situation is, you know this person is going to be on time or early. Again, it is a belief, value, and action that you can depend on.

The important part is not only to establish your level of integrity but also to maintain that level of integrity.

Stand Tall Leadership

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