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Selection and Promotion Based on Competence


When selection and promotion decisions are based on objective criteria, it helps ensure that qualified individuals will carry out the work of the organization. In the early days of police departments in the United States, this requirement was seldom followed; as a result, police officers (and police departments) did not perform well. This principle essentially requires that political considerations and relationships not be taken into account when making personnel decisions. Today, civil service requirements in police departments mandate that standard tests be used as a basis for selection and promotion decisions.

One potential drawback with civil service mandates is that they may constrain the ability of police department leaders to diversify their departments. For example, in selecting applicants for officers, only the candidates with the very highest scores may be considered for hiring. Race and gender are not part of a test score but may be valuable characteristics in selecting officers. Of course, the alternative argument would be that only those individuals most qualified for the job, as measured by a test or series of tests, should be hired, regardless of race, sex, or any other protected characteristic. Details about the selection of police officers are discussed in Chapter 5.

Police in America

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