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Table of Contents


Title Page


Introduction Other Things to Know about This Book References

CHAPTER ONE: An Introduction to Developmentally and Culturally Responsive Teaching (DCRT) My First Lesson in Listening to Students Why It's Crucial to Know Your Students Why Understanding Child and Adolescent Development Is Crucial for Teachers The Adolescent Brain Is Still Developing Development Is Shaped by Multiple Settings Why Cultural Responsiveness Is Crucial for Teachers Connections between Home and School Help Students Meet High Expectations The Importance and Meaning of High Expectations Growing Recognition of Culturally Responsive Education Becoming a Developmentally and Culturally Responsive Teacher What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do Notes References

CHAPTER TWO: Recognizing and Undoing Bias—How Teachers’ Beliefs Impact Students Helping Everyone Grow Understanding Our Beliefs about Intelligence and Ability Recognizing—and Undoing—Bias in the Classroom Moving toward Understanding Our Students What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do Notes References

CHAPTER THREE: How Schools Influence Our Beliefs about Ourselves What Is Identity Development? How We Can Shape Our Own Identity The Power of Peers and Identity What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do Notes References

CHAPTER FOUR: How Schools Shape Gender and Racial Identity Development The Pressure to Conform Supporting Gender Identity Development Supporting Racial Identity Development The Importance of Positive Racial Identity What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do Notes References

CHAPTER FIVE: How Stress and Trauma Affect Learning Stress Reactions Are Not “Logical” Understanding the Differences among Stress, Chronic Stress, and Trauma The Adolescent Brain's Response to Chronic Stress and Trauma Stress, Trauma, and Disproportionality Our Cultural Backgrounds Influence How We Cope Reducing Institutional Stress Caused by School We Need to Be Attuned to the Impact of External Stressors A Developmentally and Culturally Responsive Approach to Understanding Student Behavior What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do Notes References

10  CHAPTER SIX: How We Can Help Students Heal and Do Better in School We Need More Compassionate Schools (the COVID-19 Pandemic Made That Even Clearer) Psychologically Healthy Students Are Better Students Schools as Centers of Healing: The Importance of Trauma-Informed Schools Why Meaningful Connections Are So Important Meaningful Connections Foster Engagement in School and Help Students to Heal “Safe” Schools Are Schools Where Students Feel They Can Take Academic and Personal Risks Why Respecting Students Is So Important We Help Students Achieve by Helping Them to Strengthen Their Social and Emotional Skills What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do Notes References

11  CHAPTER SEVEN: The Change Process The Change Process: Equity as Our North Star The Change Process: Teacher Mindsets and the Details of Daily Practice The Change Process: Professional Development The Change Process: Curriculum and Assessment The Change Process: Building a Positive School Climate The Change Process: Making Youth Voice Integral to Change Notes References

12  CHAPTER EIGHT: Reaching DCRT Goals through True, Teen-Written Stories How to Use the Stories Using Advisory to Build a Developmentally and Culturally Responsive School Using Teen Stories in English Language Arts instruction (and Beyond) Using the Stories in Professional Development The Writing Program What Teachers Can Do What Schools Can Do

13  Acknowledgments

14  About the Authors

15  Teen Story Index

16  Index

17  End User License Agreement



Title Page


Table of Contents


Begin Reading


About the Authors

Teen Story Index

10  Index

11  End User License Agreement











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Who's In My Classroom?

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