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With my whole heart I thank God for fostering this vision and for giving me the strength, health, and necessary diligence to complete it. I offer sincerest thanks to John Chiodini for our years of collaborating onstage and off. He remains a joy to perform with and a dear friend, and I am tickled to consider this yet another collaboration we have created together. I sincerely wish to thank Holly Foster-Wells, Nicki Lee Foster, and Peggy Lee Associates, LLC, for their wealth of information, generosity, and encouragement to see this project through. I offer thanks to Mike and Peter Stoller for their time, insights, feedback, and contributions to this book. Iván Santiago-Mercado’s online discography and videography provided a plethora of invaluable facts and details—thank you, Iván. Both Will Friedwald’s and David Torresen’s various writings, including liner notes within Lee’s albums, supplied valuable insights and observations. I warmly thank my editors, Natalie Mandziuk, Michael Tan, and John Cerullo, for their guidance and help transforming this project from a long-incubating set of ideas into a published book. I lovingly thank my mother for introducing me to Peggy Lee’s music when I was particularly impressionable. I extend sincerest thanks to my husband, George, for his support and sustaining encouragement. I thank the hundreds of professional musicians with whom I have worked over the years—thank you for the magic we have co-created and continue to create together! I thank all my teachers—how blessed I have been to have been shaped intellectually and musically by some of the most outstanding minds and talents on the planet. Finally, I thank the thousands of audiences that have enjoyed and supported my music and the many fans who urged me to write this book. This is for you.

Peggy Lee

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