Читать книгу The Power of Creative Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your creative genius - Тони Бьюзен, Tony Buzan - Страница 15
left/right brain thinking in the 21st century
ОглавлениеAs the Century of the Brain begins, we now realize that the creative brain is the whole brain. Furthermore, we realize that our earlier acknowledgement of our labelling mistakes has led us to an awareness that our creative potential is even greater than we had thought.
A simple question and comparison will make this clear.
If we have been using only half of the skills of the brain, at what percentage efficiency have we been operating?
The immediate answer would appear to be 50 per cent. This indicates that we have been making ourselves into half-wits! However, even this is an overestimation, as a simple example makes clear.
If I said to you that I wanted to measure your efficiency at running, and in Trial 1 I allowed you to use 100 per cent of your body, including arms and legs. Imagine how you would do if I videoed your running style and then examined it for mechanical efficiency. Most of us would score pretty highly.
Imagine now that in Trial 2 I allowed you only 50 per cent of your operating potential, and tied your right hand and foot together, behind your back. How would you do? You’d be flat on your face within a couple of seconds! Efficiency? Less than zero.
Why? Because the parts of your body are made to work together, and in so doing each part multiplies a thousand-fold the efficiency of the other.
It is the same with your brain. When you use only one side of your cortical skills, your creativity is nothing in comparison to what it can be. When you use both sides, your creative potential becomes infinite.
In the Creativity Workout that follows, and in the remaining chapters, I will explore methods of unleashing that infinite creative potential.