Читать книгу The Power of Creative Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your creative genius - Тони Бьюзен, Tony Buzan - Страница 20

5. Be Creative in your Everyday Life


Using a pen and paper, list those areas in your everyday life that you think are creative, and those that you think are not creative. When you have finished, read on.

The ideal answer to the above exercise is that all aspects of your daily life are intrinsically creative, and that all of them can be enhanced by applying more of the full range of your left and right-brain skills. Consider the following everyday activities; they are all dependent upon Creativity:



 D.I.Y. and home improvements



 route finding and map reading


 flower arranging

 budgeting for special events/expenses


 gift wrapping

 letter and message writing

 setting a table

 arranging house plants

 looking after and training pets

 planning holidays and special events

 planning meetings

 playing football, or any other sport

Each one of these activities can be made more interesting and creative by adding the ‘spices’ of the left and right-brain skills.

In this creative arena, little things can mean a lot. Gathering shells and driftwood from a beach and displaying them in your home, or using it for wood-turning; making patchwork quilts from a multitude of scraps of otherwise useless material; decorating your dinner table by putting a flower on each person’s plate and using shells from the beach from which to serve your salt and pepper; or finding new and different routes to get to work each week, are all things that take little effort, and which add immeasurably to the creative feel of your life.

Holiday times and seasonal celebrations especially, are wonderful opportunities for displaying your Creative Intelligence. Make it a Creative Feast with decorations, visual beauty and visual humour. Create your own cards and gifts to give to people, or plan a dinner party for your friends – the possibilities are endless!

The Power of Creative Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your creative genius

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