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3. Take Breaks


Surprisingly, whole-brain thinking demands that if you are going to be fully and truly creative, you must take regular breaks.

Think about it: where are you when you come up with those bursts of imagination, those solutions to problems, those great fantasies and daydreams? Most people’s answers include some or all of the following:

 in the bath

 in the shower

 walking in the country

 before going to sleep

 while asleep

 upon waking up

 while listening to music

 on a long-distance drive

 while out running

 while swimming

 lying on the beach

 when ‘idly’ doodling

In what state are your body and mind at such times? Relaxed, and often alone.

It is in these rest-periods that the two sides of your brain are able to converse and communicate with each other, and when the vast wellspring of your creativity is allowed to express itself.

If you don’t decide consciously to take these breaks, your brain will decide for you. Many ‘hard working’ (but not ‘smart working’) people report that, as the years go on, they become more stressed and their concentration begins to wander. This is actually a good thing, for it is their right brains insisting that a little bit of imagination and fantasy should be allowed in to balance an unbalanced state.

If you are in this situation and you continue to persist in pushing your left-brain-dominant lifestyle, your brain will make you take other kinds of breaks, ranging from losses of concentration, to mini-breakdowns in which you become unreasonably irascible, to full blown blow-outs where the only cure is … rest and relaxation!

Do it consciously. Give your brain and yourself a break. Your Creative Intelligence will love you for it.

The Power of Creative Intelligence: 10 ways to tap into your creative genius

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