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A Stroll Through a Dream


In the last lesson, my dear ones, you learned that…

• Sleep is a condition in which your attention is immersed in a screen.

• You can sleep or not sleep in a dream as in waking reality.

• To wake up, you must bring your attention to the awareness centre.

Your awareness centre is an observation point, from which you can see where your attention is directed in any one moment and what it is focusing on. At the same time, you see what you are doing and what is going on around you.

Now, wake up and ask yourself: Where am I? What am I doing? Where is my attention? Right now, you have just woken up and found yourself at the awareness point. Here I am, and this is the reality that surrounds me. I am aware. I can see myself and I can see reality.

This is an unfamiliar state for you, my precious ones. You only get occasional glimpses of it. The rest of the time, you are transfixed by either the inner or the outer screen. Now, try and hold the state of awareness for at least for an hour and see what happens. You’ll find it will be interesting.

It is best to do this in the morning after you have slept well and are feeling bright and happy. It is not worth trying it when you are in a bad mood: it won’t work.

So, get into the observation point telling yourself: I see myself and I see reality. Set yourself the intention, ‘today I am going to stroll through a waking dream’. Then go for a walk, wherever you like, to work or to university, in this state of clarity.

For the best effect, go to a place where nobody knows you, on a walk to a shopping centre or an entertainment centre. This will be a free walk through a dream.

When you are immersed in either one of the screens, you are not yourself. You aren’t in control either of yourself or the situation. The opposite is true in fact: any situation can turn into a dream and control you.

And what happens when you become self-aware? You free yourself, and from this moment on, your dreaming, whether asleep or in waking, it doesn’t matter which, becomes conscious. You are in control of yourself, and most importantly, you acquire the capacity to control the situation around you, but more on that later. For now, try just going for a walk and observing what you see.

For example, you turn on your awareness and go into a shop. Say hello, walk about, look around, maybe ask a question and observe the reaction of the shop assistants. Just don’t fall asleep. Before you speak, be sure to direct your attention to the centre: I see myself and I see reality.

You’ll find that people will look at you with a certain curiosity and for some reason be especially responsive and well-disposed towards you, in a way they were not before. What has changed?

Unlike you, the people around you are still asleep. Their attention is occupied, and they are involved in their everyday scenarios, like in a film. Their thoughts are unclear and their actions non-conscious. You could say, they live as if they were characters in a film.

You, unlike the others around you, have woken up in the dream as if you had stepped from the screen down into the cinema hall. At any moment, you can leave, return to the movie, and walk around freely among the other characters, regardless of the narrative.

When you are in this state, you may come across to others as a little otherworldly. They vaguely sense that there is something odd about you, but cannot say what exactly. Don’t worry, they’re not aware that they are treating you with a certain friendliness and curiosity. And you don’t let on that you know something they don’t.

Do you know where their friendliness towards you comes from, especially in those who don’t know you? To them, you are like a firefly in a land of shadows. When you are in a state of conscious awareness, your energy flows differently. It can’t be seen physically, but it can be felt subconsciously.

Just by walking through a waking dream, at the very least you will attract the attention and good-will of those around you. You can make new friends and spend the time in pleasant conversation. But that is just the start. Be smart. Learn to drive reality. If you don’t drive yourselves mad first! Hey! Ok, ok, don’t worry, my little ones.

Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through a Movie

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