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My testing


Hello to all Esoterica-369 community members!

I decided to write about my testing for telepathy by Valery Ivanovich Zhiglov.

The testing took place two moths ago, but only now I found the time to share the experience.

It seems it was forever ago, when I learnt about chakras, I have been practicing self-knowing since I was a child, and I was always wondering why I am here, on Earth.

I completed multiple training courses; I improved intuition with black-white cards.

Therefore, I was glad when Valery Ivanovich kindly offered testing.

So, he told me to activate my chakras, and so I did, and we proceeded to testing. Just like during meditations, when my chakras open up, I feel warmth, tingling, etc. by those points of me.

As I see it now, it was not too successful with digits at the beginning, for I could not concentrate (my daughter was running around all the time).

Identifying the card suit was poor, too, still, I managed to see at once, what was on the Queen’s head, and which dress she was wearing. I also replied correctly about the King.

I listed the most essential features of the picture – water, trees, mountains or a stone. I saw no house, whatever I tried…

My daughter finally went to bed, and I could concentrate at last. That was the moment when I began seeing everything with my eyes, although the eyes were closed…

I described the apartment, where Valery Ivanovich lives, virtually in every detail, what the floor was made from, what the color of the sofa was, where the TV set was in the room.

The best seen was the picture from the window of his apartment, which I described with no error – a park with a path across, a playing site for kids, with an artificial hill amidst. There are also benches and a lake going away far and to the left.

I wish to emphasize, the vision of the park was do distinct, that I still can see it again anytime, when I wish my memory to recall it.

Because Valery Ivanovich assisted me with my chakras activation, they opened up stronger than usually, and the feeling of burning in chakras locations was not leaving me alone for a week after the testing.

I am really grateful to Valery Ivanovich, a good friend of mine, for the testing, for his friendship, and for much useful and interesting information.

After the testing, I continue to work with the intuition, and my perception abilities improved greatly.

Ludmila Bondarovich, 2009—06—14

Learning Express of telepathy

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