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Once more about telepathy


Good time of day, dear associates!

For those who missed my previous post: Valery Ivanovich tested my telepathic communication abilities yesterday. To say I was amazed would be to say nothing…

With two days gone (plenty of time!) after working with me, and the mixture of emotions that I had in my mind (and in my soul, too) started the transformation into at least some kind of explanation for what was going on.

I, an ordinary human, can see with my eyes closed, and even the distance does not matter!

Feeling of touching the Mystery, the Whole does not leave me alone even now!

Let me tell a little how it was.

First, I had to relax and to open up chakras.

(A human is a complicated structure that consists of a material body and the energy substance, someone else may probably disclose it a better way, this is not the point now).

A human body has three energy centers: the lower one, the middle one and the upper one. Each center comprises the corresponding chakras: Istok, Zarod and Zhivot for the lower one; Persi, Lada and Lelia for the middle one; Ustie, Chelo and Rodnik for the upper one.

Not all of my chakras opened up, furthermore, I did not even hear about some.

Everything went wrong at the beginning, as my head was always trying to supervise the process by thinking and guessing.

It was only when I managed to leave everything behind and stop thinking, just trust in what was going on, the necessary information came to me.

There was a wave from below to my head (or even above), followed by pictures, feelings, tastes…

That was not just obtaining the information only – coming together were the feelings of Joy, Happiness and unspeakable Excitement (again emotions!) and the Universe Love!

There was the Joy of not only being capable of doing something (although it contributed, too), but of feeling myself a part of the Single Whole!

My “Third eye” works!!!

This is just one little step. But it is the motion!

This my motion started only when my mind was disconnected.

The apparent conclusion is that, for some reason, our rational conscious does not need our soul.

Elena Zhurova, 2010—05—17

Learning Express of telepathy

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