Читать книгу Learning Express of telepathy - Валерий Жиглов - Страница 16

Telepathic communication is reality!!!


I want to share the results of testing for telepathic abilities that I passed today morning.

Frankly saying, I would hardly believe before today that I could see anything outside the area that I see with my eyes.

The result: much (not all, indeed!) of what Valery Ivanovich offered me for description was seen and described by me. Those were images, fragments of paintings, various items, tastes, and aromas…

The information was arriving, when I saw myself elsewhere “up” more, than in my material body…

There was feeling of excitement together with joining something infinite…

There was a strong surprise to what was going on with me!

This description is perhaps too short, for the emotions now overwhelm me!!!

I love you all very much!!!!!!

Elena Zhurova, 2010—05—15

Learning Express of telepathy

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