Читать книгу Learning Express of telepathy - Валерий Жиглов - Страница 12

Touching the unknown


I still feel excitement, when I was undergoing my first exercise for telepathy. Excitement did not go.

With the chakras opened up, I found myself in a strange state, as if my body was by itself, whereas my brain (actually, the inner body, the soul) was separated… At the beginning, I was able to do nothing, and it disappointed me, yet I thought everything should finally be ok, for I feel it should, then again doubts were coming…

I concentrated and tried to abandon the last fears. That made the results much better.

I wish to thank Valery Ivanovich for his enormous patience. I know it was hard for him to do it with me, as I was “flying on” elsewhere, understanding I should have pulled the brake lever, but I did not want to frame him with all his trust in me!

Calming down, I began feeling the correct answers for questions.

Every incorrect answer initiated worrying in me, I feel it even now, as I am writing down these lines.

Here, words by Valery Ivanovich, which were the words of support, re-emerge in my memory.

In some way, he is the Angel, which tuned me to feeling the correct answers.

Angel, 2009—06—13

Learning Express of telepathy

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