Читать книгу Apocalypse. Millennium. Chiliasm and Chillegorism - Valeriy Sterkh - Страница 8
Section 4. An anthology of the ancient Chiliasm
St. Barnabas, the Apostle, one of the 70 (1st century)
Оглавление[…] The Lord said: «Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth» [Gen 1:28]. This was said at the beginning about us and addressed to the Son. Next, I will show you how He, at the end of time, wrought into us the second creation. The Lord says: «Lo, I will make the last like the first» [compare Is 43:18—19; 2 Cor 5:17; Rev 21:5]. The prophet also said something to the effect: «Enter into the land flowing with honey and milk and take possession of it» [Ex 33:1; Lev 20:24]. So, we have been restored, even as the Lord says once more through another prophet: «Behold, says he, I will take out of them,» that is, from those whom the Spirit of the Lord foresaw, «the hearts of stone and will put in them the hearts of flesh» [Ezek 11:19; 36:26]. For He had to appear in the flesh and dwell in us, since, my brothers, the abode of our hearts is a holy temple of the Lord. The Lord also says: «In what place shall I appear to the Lord my God and be glorified?» [Ps 42:2 (Ps 41:3 rus)] And then: «I will bring my confession to You in the church, among my brethren, and I will sing Your glory among the church of the saints» [Ps 22:22 (Ps 21:23 rus)]. So we are those whom the Lord has brought into the good land. But what is milk and honey? Just like the life of a baby is sustained first by honey and then by milk, so we, after being brought to life by faith in the promise and by the word of God, shall live and rule over the earth. In the beginning, the people were commanded to multiply and rule over beasts, birds, and fish. Who can now, at this time, rule over beasts, fish, or birds of air? And we must understand that ruling implies dominion when someone controls and commands. Now, however, we do not see such dominion – yet it is promised to us. When will it take place? When will we become so perfect so as to become heirs to the covenant of the Lord (The Epistle of Barnabas, chapter 6).
Also, about the Sabbath it says in the Ten Commandments, proclaimed by the Lord to Moses face to face on Mount Sinai: «Sanctify the Sabbath of the Lord with pure hands and with a clean heart» [Ex 20:8; Deut 5:12; Ps 24:3—4 (Ps 23:3—4 rus)]. And in another place He says: «If my sons keep the Sabbath, then I shall pour out My grace upon them» [compare Jer 17:24—25]. Scripture also mentions the Sabbath at the beginning of the creation: «And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it» [Gen 2:2].
Children, note well what it means that He «ended his work». It means that the Lord will complete all things in six thousand years because for Him one day is like a thousand years. For He Himself testifies to that saying: «Here, the present day will be like a thousand years» [Ps 90:4 (Ps 89:5 rus); 2 Pet 3:8]. So, children, everything will be accomplished in six days, that is, in six thousand years. «He rested on the seventh day» [Gen 2:2]. It means that when His Son comes and destroys the times of the lawless one, and carries out his judgment over the wicked, changes the sun, the moon and the stars, then He will rest in perfect peace on the seventh day.
Moreover, it is written, «Sanctify it with clean hands and a clean heart» [Ps 24:4 (Ps 23:4 rus)]. So, we would be mistaken to think that someone could at this time sanctify this holy day of the Lord without a heart pure in every way. Therefore, to rest and to sanctify this day one must be able to do what’s right, having received the promise – when there is no more lawlessness, and everything is made new by the Lord. Then, having been consecrated ourselves, we will be able to consecrate that day also.
Finally, God says to the Jews: «Your new moons and sabbaths I won’t tolerate» [Is 1:13]. See what He says: «The Sabbaths that you practice now I cannot stand – only those that I have commanded and those that will come when, putting an end to everything, I will usher in the eighth day, or the beginning of the next world» Therefore, we celebrate the eighth day in joy – the day when Jesus rose from the dead and, having shown Himself to believers, ascended into heaven (The Epistle of Barnabas, chapter 15).