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1. A Protest at Coventry against a Gild's Exclusiveness, 1495 282
2. A Complaint from Coventry as to Inter-Municipal Tariffs, 1498 282
3. The Municipal Regulation of Wages at Norwich, 1518 282
4. The Municipal Regulation of Markets at Coventry, 1520 283
5. The Municipal Regulation of Wages at Coventry, 1524 284
6. An Act for Avoiding of Exactions taken upon Apprentices in Cities, Boroughs, and Towns Corporate, 1536 284
7. An Act whereby certain Chantries, Colleges, Free Chapels and the Possessions of the same be given to the King's Majesty, 1547 286
8. Regrant to Coventry and Lynn of Gild Lands Confiscated under 1 Edward VI, c. xiv (the preceding Act), 1548 291
9. A Petition of the Bakers of Rye to the Mayor, Jurats, and Council to prevent the Brewers taking their trade, 1575 294
10. Letter to Lord Cobham from the Mayor and Jurats of Rye concerning the Preceding Petition, 1575 295
11. The Municipal Regulation of the Entry into Trade at Nottingham, 1578–9 295
12. The Municipal Regulation of Markets at Southampton, 1587 296
13. The Municipal Regulation of Wages at Chester, 1591 296
14. The Company of Journeymen Weavers of Gloucester, 1602 297
15. Petition of Weavers who are not Burgesses, 1604–5 299
16. Extracts from the London Clothworkers' Court Book, 1537–1627 300
17. The Feltmakers Joint-Stock Project, 1611 302
18. The Case of the Tailors of Ipswich, 1615 305
19. The Grievances of the Journeymen Weavers of London, c. 1649 307



1. Proposals for the Regulation of the Cloth Manufacture (temp. Henry VIII) 317
2. Administrative Difficulties in the Regulation of the Manufacture of Cloth, 1537 319
3. An Act Touching Weavers, 1555 320
4. Enactment of Common Council of London as to Age of Ending Apprenticeship, 1556 323
5. William Cecil's Industrial Programme, 1559 323
6. The Statute of Artificers, 1563 325
7. Proposals for the Better Administration of the Statute of Artificers, 1572 333
8. Draft of a Bill Fixing Minimum Rates for Spinners and Weavers, 1593 336
9. Draft Piece-list Submitted for Ratification to the Wiltshire Justices by Clothiers and Weavers, 1602 341
10. An Act empowering Justices to fix Minimum Rates of Payment, 1603–04 342
11. Administration of Acts Regulating the Manufacture of Cloth, 1603 344
12. Assessment made by the Justices of Wiltshire, dealing mainly with other than Textile Workers, 1604 345
13. Assessment made by the Justices of Wiltshire, dealing mainly with Textile Workers, 1605 351
14. Administration of Wage Clauses of Statute of Artificers, 1605–08 352
15. Administration of Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Artificers, 1607–08 353
16. The Organisation of the Woollen Industry, 1615 354
17. Proceedings on the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Artificers, 1615 356
18. A Petition to Fix Wages Addressed to the Justices by the Textile Workers of Wiltshire, 1623 356
19. Appointment by Privy Council of Commissioners to Investigate Grievances of Textile Workers in East Anglia, 1630 357
20. Report to Privy Council of Commissioners appointed above, 1630 358
21. High Wages in the New World, 1645 360
22. Young Men and Maids ordered to enter Service, 1655 360
23. Request to Justices of Grand Jury of Worcestershire to assess Wages, 1661 361
24. Proceedings on the Apprenticeship Clauses of the Statute of Artificers, 1669 361



1. Regulations made at Chester as to Beggars, 1539 366
2. A Proclamation concerning Corn and Grain to be brought into open Markets to be sold, 1545 367
3. Administration of Poor Relief at Norwich, 1571 369
4. The first Act Directing the Levy of a Compulsory Poor Rate, 1572 372
5. The first Act requiring the Unemployed to be set to Work, 1575–6 373
6. Report of Justices to Council Concerning Scarcity in Norfolk, 1586 373
7. Orders devised by the Special Commandment of the Queen's Majesty for the Relief and Ease of the Present Dearth of Grain within the Realm, 1586 374
8. The Poor Law Act, 1601 380
9. A note of the Grievances of the Parish of Eldersfield, 1618 381
10. Petition to Justices of Wiltshire for Permission to Settle in a Parish, 1618 382
11. Letter from Privy Council to Justices of Cloth-making Counties, 1621–2 382
12. Letter from Privy Council to the Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace in the Counties of Suffolk and Essex concerning the Employment of the Poor, 1629 383
13. The Licensing of Badgers in Somersetshire, 1630 385
14. Badgers Licensed at Somersetshire Quarter Sessions, 1630 385
15. The Supplying of Bristol with Grain, 1630–1 385
16. Proceedings against Engrossers and other Offenders, 1631 386
17. Order of Somersetshire Justices Granting a Settlement to a Labourer, 1630–1 386
18. Report of Derbyshire Justices on their Proceedings, 1631 387
19. Letter from Privy Council to Justices of Rutlandshire, 1631 390
20. Judgment in the Star Chamber against an Engrosser of Corn, 1631 391



1. Letters Patent granted to the Cabots by Henry VII, 1496 400
2. The Merchant Adventurers' Case for Allowing the Export of Undressed Cloth, 1514–36 402
3. The Rise in Prices, the Encouragement of Corn growing, and the Protection of Manufactures, c. 1549 404
4. Sir Thomas Gresham on the Fall of the Exchanges, 1558 416
5. The reasons why Bullion is Exported (temp. Eliz.) 419
6. The Italian Merchants Explain the Foreign Exchanges, 1576 420
7. An Act Avoiding divers Foreign Wares made by Handicraftsmen Beyond the Seas, 1562 424
8. An Act Touching Cloth Workers and Cloth Ready Wrought to be Shipped over the Sea, 1566 426
9. Incorporation of a Joint Stock Mining Company, 1568 427
10. An Act for the Increase of Tillage, 1571 428
11. Instructions for an English Factor in Turkey, 1582 431
12. The Advantages of Colonies, 1583 434
13. Lord Burghley to Sir Christopher Hatton on the State of Trade, 1587 438
14. A List of Patents and Monopolies, 1603 440
15. Instructions Touching the Bill for Free Trade, 1604 443
16. The Establishment of a Company to export Dyed and Dressed Cloth in place of the Merchant Adventurers, 1616–17 454
17. Sir Julius Cæsar's proposals for Reviving the Trade in Cloths, 1616 460
18. The Grant of a Monopoly for the Manufacture of Soap, 1623 461
19. The Statute of Monopolies, 1623–4 465
20. An Act for the Free Trade of Welsh Cloths, 1623–4 468
21. The Economic Policy of Strafford in Ireland, 1636 470
22. Revocation of Commissions, Patents and Monopolies Granted by the Crown, 1639 472
23. Ordinance establishing an Excise, 1643 475


1. Defoe's account of the West Riding Cloth Industry, 1724 482
2. Defoe's account of the Woollen Trade (temp. George II) 483
3. Defoe's account of the Corn Trade (temp. George II) 487
4. Defoe's account of the Coal Trade (temp. George II) 491
5. A description of Middlemen in the Woollen Industry, 1739 492
6. Report on the Condition of Children in Lancashire Cotton Factories, 1796 495
7. Newcastle Coal Vend, 1771–1830 497
8. The Old Apprenticeship System in the Woollen Industry, 1806 499
9. A Petition of Cotton Weavers, 1807 500
10. Depression of Wages and its Causes in the Cotton Industry, 1812 501
11. Evidence of the Condition of Children in Factories, 1816 502
12. Change in the Cotton Industry and the Introduction of Power Loom Weaving, 1785–1807 505
13. Evidence by Factory Workers of the Condition of Children, 1832 510
14. Women's and Children's Labour in Mines, 1842 516
15. Description of the Condition of Manchester by John Robertson, Surgeon, 1840 519



1. Enclosure Proceedings in the Court of Chancery, 1671 525
2. Advice to the Stewards of Estates, 1731 526
3. Procedure for Enclosure by Private Act, 1766 528
4. Farming in Norfolk, 1771 530
5. A Petition against Enclosure, 1797 531
6. Extracts on Enclosure from the Surveys of the Board of Agriculture, 1798–1809 532
7. Arthur Young's Criticism of Enclosure, 1801 536
8. Enclosure Consolidating Act, 1801 537
9. General Enclosure Act, 1845 541



1. An Act against Truck, 1701 545
2. A Wages Assessment at a Warwickshire Quarter Sessions, 1738 546
3. Spitalfields Weavers Act, 1773 547
4. A Middlesex Wages Assessment under the Spitalfields Act, 1773 551
5. Agricultural Labourers' Proposals for a Sliding Scale of Wages, 1795 552
6. Debates on Whitbread's Minimum Wage Bill, 1795–6 554
7. Arbitration Act for the Cotton Industry, 1800 568
8. Amendment of the Arbitration Act, 1804 570
9. The First Factory Act, 1802 571
9A. Minutes of Committee on Children in Factories 573
10. Calico Printers' Petition for Regulation, 1804 573
11. Report on Calico Printers' Petition, 1806 574
12. Cotton Weavers' Petition against the Repeal of 5 Elizabeth, c. 4, 1813 576
13. Debates on the Regulation of Apprentices, 1813–14 577
14. Resolutions of the Watchmakers on Apprenticeship, 1817 588
15. Report of the Committee on the Ribbon Weavers, 1818 590
16. The Cotton Factory Act of 1819 591
17. Oastler's First Letter on Yorkshire Slavery, 1830 592
18. Factory Act, 1833 594
19. Proposals for a Wages Board for Hand-Loom Weavers, 1834 596
20. Coal Mines Regulation Act, 1842 598
21. Debate on Factory Legislation, 1844 599
22. Factory Act, 1844 612
23. Recommendations of the Commission on the Health of Towns, 1845 614



1. A Strike of the Journeymen Feltmakers, 1696–99 619
2. A Petition of Master Tailors against Combination among the Journeymen, 1721 622
3. A Dispute in the Northumberland and Durham Coal Industry, 1765 625
4. Sickness and Unemployment Benefit Clubs among the Woolcombers, 1794 626
5. Combination Act, 1799 626
6. Combination Act, 1800 627
7. The Scottish Weavers' Strike, 1812 631
8. The Repeal of the Combination Acts, 1824 633
9. A Prosecution of Strikers under the Common Law of Conspiracy, 1810 635
10. An Act Revising the Law affecting Combinations, 1825 636
11. The Conviction of the Dorchester Labourers, 1834 638
12. An Address of the Working Men's Association to Queen Victoria, 1837 641
13. A Chartist Manifesto on the Sacred Month, 1839 642
14. The Rochdale Pioneers, 1844 643



1. Settlement Law, 1662 647
2. Defoe's Pamphlet "Giving Alms no Charity", 1704 649
3. The Workhouse Test Act, 1722 650
4. Gilbert's Act, 1782 652
5. Speenhamland "Act of Parliament", 1795 655
6. The Workhouse System, 1797 657
7. Two Varieties of the Roundsman System of Relief, 1797 660
8. Another Example of the Roundsman System, 1808 660
9. A Report of the Poor Law Commission, 1834 661
10. The Poor Law Amendment Act, 1834 663
11. Outdoor Relief Prohibitory Order, 1844 664



1. Act abolishing Tenure by Knight Service, etc., 1660 670
2. Navigation Act, 1660 670
3. Proposals for Free Exportation of Gold and Silver, 1660 671
4. An Attack on the Navigation Act, c. 1663 672
5. Free Coinage at the Mint Proclaimed, 1666 674
6. The East India Company and the Interlopers, 1684 675
7. Foundation of the Bank of England, 1694 676
8. The Need for the Recoinage of 1696 677
9. Speech by Sir Robert Walpole on the Salt Duties, 1732 678
10. Pitt's Sinking Fund Act, 1786 679
11. The Suspension of Cash Payments, 1797 681
12. Pitt's Speech on the Income Tax, 1798 683
13. Foreign Trade in the early Nineteenth Century, 1812 689
14. Debate on the Corn Laws, 1815 692
15. The Corn Law of 1815 697
16. Free Trade Petition, 1820 698
17. The Foundation of the Anti-Corn-Law League, 1839 701
18. The Bank Charter Act, 1844 702
19. Debate on the Corn Laws, 1846 705
English Economic History: Select Documents

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