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Of Transformation Into A God
Оглавление[From the Papyrus of Ani (British Museum No. 10,470, sheet 28).]
[The Chapter of] making the transformation into the god who giveth light [in] the darkness. Saith Osiris, the scribe Ani, triumphant:
“I am the girdle of the robe of the god Nu, which shineth and sheddeth light upon that which belongeth to his breast, which sendeth forth light into the darkness, which uniteth the two fighting deities who dwell in my body through the mighty spell of the words of my mouth, which raiseth up him that hath fallen—for he who was with him in the valley of Abtu (Abydos) hath fallen—and I rest. I have remembered him. I have taken possession of the god Hu in my city, for I found him therein, and I have led away captive the darkness by my might. I have rescued the Eye [of the Sun] when it waned at the coming of the festival of the fifteenth day, and I have weighed Sut in the celestial houses against the Aged one who is with him. I have endowed Thoth [with what is needful] in the Temple of the Moon-god for the coming of the fifteenth day of the festival. I have taken possession of the Ureret crown; Maāt (i.e., right and truth) is in my body; its mouths are of turquoise and rock-crystal. My homestead is among the furrows which are [of the color of] lapis-lazuli. I am Hem-Nu(?) who sheddeth light in the darkness. I have come to give light in the darkness, which is made light and bright [by me]. I have given light in the darkness, and I have overthrown the destroying crocodiles. I have sung praises unto those who dwell in the darkness, I have raised up those who wept, and who had hidden their faces and had sunk down in wretchedness; and they did not look then upon me. [Hail, then,] ye beings, I am Hem-Nu(?), and I will not let you hear concerning the matter. [I] have opened [the way], I [pg 067] am Hem-Nu(?), [I] have made light the darkness, I have come, having made an end of the darkness, which hath become light indeed.”